ShadowLucas Part 2

429 11 8

Requested by Lydia608Sworflame12MelissaC2000


Within a dark forest, Shadow had pinned Lucas against a tree kissing him until he could fight against the Steve and can barely stand anymore. The blonde would have fallen to his knees if his legs weren't around Shadow's waist and was pushed up against a tree. The Steve didn't give the blonde a break as he went from these swollen lips down his bruised covered neck, giving Lucas hardly any chance to breath. As for Lucas, he was at the point he could barely comprehend what's happening.

"Sh-Shadow" Lucas panted, he threw his head back when the Steve bit a certain part of his neck, "Pl-please"

"Don't worry little Lucas, I'll take care of you"  Shadow said against the burning skin and continued what he doing. 

Lucas took a sharp breath when he felt one of Shadow's hand under his shirt going from his stomach up to his chest.

"Wh-Wh ahhh!" Lucas moaned.

"That's little Lucas, let it out, let everyone know who you belong to" Shadow said enjoying the view of the human and the sounds he makes. 


Now you must be wondering how they ended up like this, well here we go.

A few days passed since the incident with Shadow, now Lucas was working with Sabre and Rainbow to build the Rainbow Town. They already finished the Rainbow House the day before to have a place to live. The sun was setting when they decided to stop. Lucas went on a walk while Sabre cook dinner for the three of them while keeping Rainbow away from the kitchen.

As Lucas walk, he did not notice where he was as he let his mind wonder off to other things when he tripped on a root causing him to tumble down the steep hill towards a giant rock. Lucas bracing himself for him to hit the rock only to find that it never came.

"You don't have to fall down a hill for me to catch you little Lucas"

Blushing from the nickname, Lucas look up to see Shadow smirking down at him.


"Hey beautiful, enjoying the view" Shadow teased.

Lucas blushed even more, but pretended not to be affected by them, "I rather see the rock than you"

"Oh really? Then you wouldn't mind if I drop-" Shadow was cut off when he felt Lucas wrap his arms around his neck and started to shake.

"Please don't" Lucas said afraid that the Steve would drop him. 

Shadow frowned, he didn't mean to scare the human so badly, "I was joking, you humans take every thing serious...Lucas?" The Steve felt Lucas shake even more as his breathing became uneasy.  

Dropping back onto the ground in the dark forest that surrounds his home, Shadow set Lucas on his feet only to catch him when the blonde's knees buckled. Shadow didn't know what to do and did the only thing he could think of doing: hold Lucas until he calms down. As for Lucas, he was doing his best to calm down before he goes into a full blown panic attack; Shadow holding him was helping quite a bit.

When Shadow felt the human stop shaking and relax, he pulled away to see if he was alright.

"Are you okay?" Concern was laced in Shadow's voice when he asked.

"I-I'm fine" Lucas breathed, "Just a panic attack"

"A 'panic attack'?" Shadow asked confused.

"I happens when I get extremely stressed. When I do then it's hard for me to breath to the point that I could pass out" Lucas explained. He then mentally facepalmed for telling his enemy his weak point.

The Steve nodded understanding.

Lucas tried to push himself off Shadow only to find that his legs felt like jelly and feel back into the Steve hold. 

"Are you falling for me Lucas?" Shadow flirted. He wanted to side track the blonde from event that happened moments ago.


Shadow tilted Lucas' head up so that those blue eyes look directly into the his dark silver ones.

"You are really something" Shadow muttered little touching Lucas' lips with his thumb, "Never thought I would feel like this"

"Feel like mmph!" Lucas felt of lips press on his own.

"To have the feeling of wanting you little Lucas" Shadow said after he pulled away then went to kissing the blonde's neck.

"Sh-Shadow" Lucas moaned.

"I'll hold back as much as I can" Shadow whispered in Lucas' ear before he went back kissing him.


Minutes later, Shadow had a sleeping Lucas on his lap exhausted from their earlier activity. As much as he wanted to take the small human as his own, he knows that is beyond curler he had ever done. Every Steve knows not to do something without ones consent because that could lead to terrible outcomes. 

Shadow heard shuffling in some of the bushes and knew who it was.

"Hey there" Shadow greeting the Dark Prince and the brunette human.

Dark didn't say anything as Sabre went over to check on his cousin.

"What did you do to him?" Sabre asked seeing all of the bruises on Lucas neck and on his chest.

"Light stuff, no marking or any of that" Shadow answered.

Sabre signed and pulled Lucas off Shadow, "At least you didn't do what Dark did"

"You loved it and you know it" Dark said getting Sabre to blush.

"Sh-Shut up!" Sabre squeaked out the cleared his throat, "Now, help me get him home, I don't want to leave Rainbow alone for long"

"What's the worst that pip squeak can do?" Shadow asked earning a facepalm from Dark.

"You had to say it"



"What in the name of Notch!? How long did you leave him for!?" Shadow shouted when he sees the human's house on fire and Rainbow running around yelling for Sabre and Lucas.

"Ten minutes" Sabre signed.

"That's the longest he went so far" Dark commented.

"Hmm? What's going on?" Lucas asked waking up from Shadow's yelling.

When the blonde seen what's the fuss about he said, 

"Okay, I'm going back to sleep" Lucas said and did just that.

"How can you people be this calm!?"

"It's Rainbow" everyone said at once.


Word count: 1015

Requests remaining: 11     

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