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Galaxy Steve x Fabremysabre

Requested by Olisteve


Galaxy watch as Sabre walk around aimlessly; ever since Void captured Rainbow, Sabre has been stressed. Sabre didn't know that Galaxy knows he blames himself for Rainbow's capture and that he cries every night when he thinks Galaxy was asleep. Galaxy gave the human some space though it was hard for him since he had developed feelings for him.

At first Galaxy thought these emotions would go away as time goes on, but they didn't, they gotten strong. He always envy Rainbow's relationship with Sabre, how close the Steve is to the human. 

One night when Sabre went out to cry out his sorrows, Galaxy followed. The purple blue Steve hid behind a tree and listen to Sabre cry.

"It's my fault he's gone; I promised to protect him but I failed." Sabre look up to the sky, "How many more will go? How many more will I lose? Light, Lucas, Time, Elemental, Blue, Green, Yellow, Red, Purple" With every name, Sabre got louder and louder until he shouted.

"How many more will suffer because of me?" Galaxy couldn't take it any more; he came out of his hiding place and hug Sabre from behind.

"It's not your fault Sabre, you couldn't have done anything to prevent this"


"No" Galaxy turned Sabre around and started to wipe away his tears, "You could have done nothing, Rainbow told you to stay back because he was worried about your safety; we both were"

Galaxy step back with his arms open, gesturing for a hug that Sabre accepted imminently. He cried in Galaxy's embrace, for the first time he felt the guilt of losing Rainbow lifted off his shoulders. Galaxy put his head on top of Sabre's shoulder and breathed in deeply; he love Sabre not as a friend, but actually love  him with his heart.

When Sabre tried to pull away, he realized that the Steve had a good grip on him, "Um, Galaxy can you let me go?"

Galaxy said nothing as his head nuzzled into his neck causing the human to shiver when he felt Galaxy's breathing tickle his neck.

"Galaxy what's wro- ahh" Sabre gasp when Galaxy suddenly started to kiss his neck going up to his jawline and dangerously close to his lips.

"Sabre, I tried to hold back, but I can't"

"Galaxy what are you talking about?" The next thing Sabre knew Galaxy was kissing him. They back up against a tree where Galaxy put one of his legs in between Sabre's when he felt the other's legs about to give out.

"I love you Sabre" Galaxy whispered once they broke the kiss, "I have since I met you"

"G-Galaxy" Sabre face flushed red, he did not know what happened, but he kind of like it. He wrap his arms around Galaxy's shoulder, pulling him into another kiss. This surprised the Steve, but he was glad that Sabre accepted his feelings.

"Sabre?" Galaxy ask when they broke the kiss once again, he ran his hand up and down on his face enjoying the way Sabre nuzzled it.

"Y-yes" Sabre said out of breath.

"Do you love me?" Galaxy said suddenly.

"I-I" Sabre was speechless, but the Steve kinda expected this.

"You don't have to answer; let's just enjoy this for now" Sabre nodded and they continued from where they left off.

'I love you Galaxy' 


Word Count: 571

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