Elemental and Time Part 2

406 11 11

Requested by Ender_Eclipse

I'm going out of order, I know, but I really want to get these next few done since I have a good idea for them. Also after I did this, I am half tempted to do book 2 of Forced yet Regretted.


Elemental petted Time's soft, black hair as he listen to his brother's soft breathing indicating that he was asleep. Not once did the older Steve loosen his grip on the younger, Elemental thought if he did then he'll lose the one thing in the whole entire that ever matter to him. That's right, Time meant everything to Elemental, but he never noticed until it was too late, that was when his obsession with Sabre came into play.   

Deciding to go to bed, Elemental pick up Time as though he was a child; it was really easy since Time was small and light. 

"Big brother?" Time mumbled feeling himself being moved.

"Shh, go back to sleep little one, I'm going to lay us down for now." Elemental whispered.

Time nuzzled his head into his brother's neck before falling back to sleep. Elemental smiled softly, his little brother is just too precious for this world. Entering his room, Elemental laid Time down before climbing in next to him and when he did, Time immediately cuddled with him. Elemental silently chuckled and wrapped an arm around the smaller and pulled him closer. This reminded him of when they were younger, they would sleep together especially since Time was prone to nightmares and Elemental didn't like to let his brother alone for long. 

Where had the time gone? (No pun intended)

"Sleep well Time" Elemental mumbled.

Elemental was about to fall asleep himself when he heard and all too familiar chuckled. Looking around the room while Time closer to protect him, the Steve found the person of interest standing in a corner of the room.

Mark stood there with a smirk on his face as he watch Elemental's reaction to seeing him.

"Mark" Elemental growled.

"Hello Elemental" Mark said with some humor in his voice. His eyes went from Elemental to the sleeping Steve next to him, "I see you have your light back"

"Don't you dare think about" Elemental growled, "I will kill you if you lay a hand on him"

"I won't do anything yet" Mark smirk still staring at Time, "Such an innocent creature, a pure one to be exact. Who knew that he's the same one who ruined my plan to destroy all of you"

"I made a mistake for ever force marking Sabre, but I don't regret trying to destroy you"

"And here I thought we had a connection" Mark fake pouted.


Elemental's eyes widen and look down to see Time staring at him with curious eyes. 


"Who are you talking to?"

"No one Time" Elemental said softly and ran a hand through Time's hair to sooth him back to sleep. 

Within seconds, the younger Steve fell back to sleep and Elemental glanced back to where Mark was only to see him no longer there. Elemental did not feel at ease for Mark being gone, in fact, he was worried where he was. However, no matter how hard he tried, the Steve couldn't keep his eyes awake and fell asleep.


Time woke up sensing someone watching him that wasn't his brother. Opening his eyes, the younger Steve was meant with an enemy that he help defeat almost two days ago. Time was about to scream to get Elemental's attention only for Mark to put a hand over his mouth to muffle his screams. Then Mark bound Time where he was with so he was trap.

"Awe, the princess finally woke up" Mark smirk staring at Time's fear filled eyes, "You no longer hold the courage you once held to defeat me, you went back to your old self didn't you?"

Mark notice Time kept on glancing at Elemental and said, "He's not waking up anytime soon princess; I put him to sleep so we could get to know each other a bit more"

Time shook his head, he didn't like the feeling that Mark giving off and wanted his brother. 

"I'm going to remove my hand, if you scream or do any means of escaping, I will hurt you and/or your brother. Understand?"

Not wanting to get either of them hurt, Time nodded his head and felt Mark remove his hand. He then felt a hand on top his hair.

"You're an obedient one princess" Mark smirk as he play with Time's hair, "I didn't even have to turn you into a puppet like I had to do to Sabre"

"Wh-What do you want?"

"Hmm, at first I came here to get revenge on Elemental for ruining everything that we work for. He created me to get Sabre to love him, but that idiotic Steve turned his back on his own plans at the last minute." Mark growled, "But then I sense you here princess and thought about getting rid of two in one shot"

"Wh-What ch-changed? A-And why do you c-call me p-princess?" Time asked with hesitation.

"Well it should be obvious princess, you did." Mark smirk when Time tensed, "I found that Elemental does not care for anyone, he barely cared for Sabre, but seeing how he acted around you. I found his weak point and at the same time a perfect puppet."

Mark leaned closer to Time who had tears streaming down his face from fear of what Mark could do to him.

"My perfect princess puppet"

The next thing the two knew was Mark being pushed up against a wall by a livid Elemental. No longer the older Steve's eyes were bright gold as now they are bloody red that were fill with the desire to kill.

"You dare lay a hand on my brother!" Elemental let out a demotic growl scaring Time a bit.

"Look who finally woke up" Mark smirk, "The princess and I were having a nice conversation before you woke"

Elemental smashed Mark against the wall, "I'll kill you for touching and making him cry"

Before Elemental could land a hit on Mark, the entity teleport away. 

"Where did you go?!"


The said Steve turned to his brother to see Mark right next him.

"As much as I want to stay, I have matters to attend to" Mark said then turned his attention to Time who was trying to shuffle away, "Be seeing you princess"

Mark kissed Time's check before teleporting out of the room and away from the brothers. Elemental rushed over to Time to comfort him and release him from his bindings.

"I'm here little one, I'm here. Nothing is going to hurt or touch you" Elemental said. His eyes were back to their normal gold color.

Time held onto his big brother tightly and tried to block his fear from showing. Elemental scouted the room for any signs of the entity while hiding his brother with his body. He thought Mark wouldn't have enough energy to kept a physical body, but he guessed wrong.

"What's going to happen?" Time whispered after some time.

"I don't know little one" Elemental signed, "Do you want to walk for a bit? To get our mind off of things?"

"Yes please" Time smiled. He was happy to spend more time with his big brother and thoughts about what happened minutes ago faded from his mind.

"Come along then" Elemental smiled back. He's glad to get his mind off Mark for now, but that doesn't mean he won't be cautious.

The two out of bed and started out the door.

"Can we get some ice cream big brother?" Time asked innocently.

"Of course, anything for you little one"


Word count: 1300

Requests remaining: 14

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