(28) UltraChaos

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You guys are so lucky I don't have school so I can do these in a shorter amount of time.

Chaos Steve x Ultra Steve

Requested by Gatcha_Girl


He ran as fast as he could, he can't get caught; if he did then it will be the end of him. Ultra found a small cave and hide in it hoping he won't be found. Footsteps were nearing him and Ultra put a over his mouth to muffle his breathing so it won't give him away.

"Where are you Ultra? Come out where ever you are. I promise I won't hurt you much" The footsteps soon got further away. 

Ultra let out a shaky breath, "T-that was t-too close" Ultra poke his head outside of the cave to see if he was gone and relax when he didn't see or hear him. The Steve turned to got back into the cave when he bumped into something. Looking up, Ultra's blue eyes widen.

"Hello Ultra" Chaos smirk.

Ultra turn to run, but Chaos wrapped his arms around Ultra preventing him from running. Chaos put his head on Ultra's shoulder and whispered, "I win Ultra"

"You big cheat!" Ultra pouted. He crossed arms and look away from Chaos when the taller Steve let him go and turned him around.

"Come on Ultra, I didn't cheat" Chaos put his hand on Ultra's shoulder, but it was smack away. They were playing hid and seek, but Chaos has cheated for the past several rounds by using his powers.

"Yes you did, it wasn't even an hour" Ultra huffed.

"Ultra, look at me" Chaos said, but Ultra continue to ignore him.



"Please Ultra"


"You know I don't like to be ignored Ultra"


Every time Chaos went to touch the other Steve, Ultra would move out of the way or slap his hand away. Ultra walk out of the cave into a forest with Chaos following him like a lost puppy. 

Ultra didn't talk to Chaos for three hours when Chaos couldn't stand it anymore. He hug Ultra who tried to push him away, but Chaos held him tighter.

"I'm sorry Ultra" Chaos whimpered. Ultra let out a sign, he forgot that Chaos gets extremely clinging when he doesn't talk or touch him after a period of time.

"No, I'm sorry Chaos. I forgot this is how you are after a certain time." This was their relationship, if they do not touch or talk: Chaos gets clingy with Ultra and gets destructive with everybody else; Ultra becomes withdrawn from everyone causing him to lose his colors.

"If I hadn't use my powers-"

"No Chaos, I should have understood why" Ultra is a very good hider. One time, Ultra hid for hours and nether knew how long until their third hour; their limit is 6 hours apart. Chaos become seriously hostel to everything and everyone that came near him after the fourth or fifth hour. Since then, they agreed three hours is the limit to hiding. Though some days Chaos feels paranoid after almost losing himself to the point he didn't want to leave Ultra's side for even an hour. 

"I love you Ultra, I always and I always will" Chaos said, bringing Ultra closer to him.

Ultra giggled and wrap his arms around Chaos' neck bringing their faces closer, "I'll always love you too Chaos."

Chaos captured Ultra's lips as they move their lips along each other. 

Pulling away, Chaos tilted Ultra's head to the side to reveal more of his neck where a fading bruise was.

"It's been a while since I last marked you, may I" Ultra nodded and the next thing he knew, he was slammed against a near by tree causing him to gasp in shook and in pain. Chaos lick around the bruise getting Ultra to moan softly before biting down getting Ultra to scream his name.

"Ch-Chaos!" The darker Steve bit it hard enough to cause blood which he licked away.

"What did you say Ultra?" Chaos whispered in Ultra's ear before biting his earlobe.

"Chaos!" Ultra moaned louder. Chaos pick up Ultra by his thighs to let the lighter Steve wrap his legs around his waist.

"That's my Ultra, that's what I wanted to hear" Chaos pulled Ultra into a rough kiss which Ultra returned along with him pulling Chaos' dark rainbow hair.

"You're the best Ultra" Chaos said as he walk to their home, carrying Ultra bridal style.

"Same for you" Ultra kissed Chaos' cheek which caused his to blush. Ultra giggled at Chaos' blush. 

How these two love each other so dearly is why they have their limit. They are meant for each other in the end, no matter what anyone say. They have a bond that other's have yet to understand. 


Word Count: 803  

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