(60) InfiniteSabre Part 3

864 13 5

Requested by FanGirlz22 and darksorcerer05

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Infinity walk down a hall carrying a sleeping Sabre as a husband would carry his wife on their wedding day. The Steve, for the most part, stared at the sleeping human and couldn't help, but to think how cute he was. Never had someone stand against him before and lived to tell the tale. There was only two exceptions: one he wish not to remember because of the painful memories and the second was reason why he was split into Positive and Negative. In a way, Sabre is a combination of the two: his savior and his destroyer. Though Infinity should destroy Sabre because he is a threat, he couldn't bring himself to do it no matter how many times he tried to convince himself.

Reaching his room, Infinity opened the door, laid Sabre down onto the bed then laid down next to him. Unconsciously, Sabre curled himself into Infinity while the Steve wrap his arms around the human, pulling Sabre closer to him.

"If this is a dream, please don't wake me up" Infinity whispered to no one particular. 

The Steve ran his hand up and down Sabre's brown hair getting both to feel relax and started to lullaby Infinity to sleep.  

"Maybe, I won't force you to stay with me" Infinity said, "maybe, you'll stay by your own will."


Sabre felt someone's arms around him and thought it was Lucas due to the small glance of red, but he then realized that he wasn't home. Opened his eyes, Sabre was met a red and yellow colored sweater telling him who was hugging him right now. Being as quiet as possible, the brunette tried to get out of Infinity's grasp, only to be pulled closer to the Steve.

"Please don't go" Infinity whispered tightening his hold on Sabre.

The human didn't know whether Infinity was talking to him or was talking in his sleep. Sabre took his chances and look up at the Steve only to see sad red and yellow eyes.

"Just stay with me for a while longer" Infinity plead.

"Why should I?" Sabre said with a bit too much venom.

"I decided not to keep you captive, there's nothing to gain"

"I thought you said-"

"You are my destroyer, but no matter how hard I try, I can never convince myself to destroy you. The thought of you being my savior over turns the thought of you being my destroyer." Infinity admits, "I rather have you destroy me than anyone else to be honest"

No words could describe how shock Sabre was to here the words that came out of Infinity's mouth. He would rather have Sabre destroy him than destroy Sabre himself. 

"I only ask of you to say for a bit longer, if you wish not, then you may leave", The brunette felt the arms around him lossen, "Before you think I'm lying, I'm not" 

Sabre heard Infinity trying to hide the sadness and thought for a moment before he made his decision. Infinity, for a moment, thought Sabre would get up and away from him as quickly as possible, but that changed when felt the human curl up against him.

"S-Sabre?" Infinity stuttering.

A few minutes past and Sabre hasn't said a word, so Infinity look down only to see that the human had fallen into a peaceful asleep. A small smile appeared on the Steve's face, he then wrap his arms back around Sabre and let out a content sign.

"Maybe they were right: in order for me to be saved, I needed to be destroyed first to see why." Infinity mumbled before he went into a deep sleep.


Word count: 650

Requests remaining: 13 

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