(22) DarkSabre Part 3

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Requested by Sworflame12


After claiming Sabre as his, Dark moved them so now that he was leaning against the Rainbow Tree of Life (RTL) and Sabre was in his lap facing him. As of now, Dark was playing with the human's brown hair as he listen to him breathing softly. Dark was happy to finally have Sabre in his arms after all this time. Ever since Dark laid his eyes on Sabre when disguised as a Blue Steve years ago, he felt a connection to him. Dark couldn't tell what drawn him to the human, but whatever it was, he was thankful for it or else he would not have Sabre with him. 

Sabre let out a soft groan and pushed away from Dark who let him, but kept a firm hold on the brunette. Rubbing his eye, Sabre looked everywhere to see where he was, but he failed to notice Dark right in front of him.

"Did I fall asleep?" Sabre mumbled.

"You slept quite soundly Sabre" Dark chuckled.

Sabre's head snapped to where Dark was and instantly blushed seeing the position that they were in.

"D-Dark?" Sabre stuttered, "S-So it w-wasn't a d-dream"

Dark smirk and used a finger to trace the mark he made on Sabre's neck getting Sabre to shiver.

"I can assure you, what happened wasn't a dream FavremySabre" Dark look straight into Sabre's eyes.

"C-Can you stop saying my full name? How did you even know it?"

"I have my ways"

Sabre huffed and rolled his eyes, "You're being difficult"

"I know"

"Can't you just tell me?"

"Nope" Dark said popping the 'p'.


"I like seeing you get irritated"

"I hate you" Sabre glared at the Steve.

"Love you too" Dark laughed seeing Sabre's cheeks dusted in red.

"Whatever" Sabre mumbled as he got off of Dark who whined.

"Nooo" Dark reached up and grabbed Sabre's hand.

"Quit being a baby"

"Noooo" Dark pulled Sabre down next to him.

"Why are you being so difficult?" Sabre signed as Dark hugged him from behind.

 "You're mine"   

"Can we at least get up and do something?"

Dark stood up, hauling Sabre up with him, then let him go knowing that holding the human any longer would get him really irritated. So he just stuck to hold Sabre's hand which Sabre didn't mind, in fact he liked it. The duo walk over to the watch tower, well Sabre lead them to it, and climbed to the top.

"I have to admit, this is beautiful" Dark said looking at the surroundings

"It is" Sabre agreed.

"Do you know what's even more beautiful?" 

Sabre turned his head to look at Dark who was smiling softly at him.


Sabre's face flushed red. Dark reached up to touch one of Sabre's cheeks which Sabre leaned into the touch. Since Sabre had to tilt his head, the mark that Dark made was fully revealed, but Dark focus wasn't on the mark, instead it was on Sabre's lips. Slowly but surely, Dark leaned in until his were hovering over Sabre's.

"Can I kiss you?" Dark whispered.

"Why?" Sabre asked.

"Because I don't think I can resist any longer" Dark wrapped his arms around Sabre's waist to bring everything, but his head closer.

"What if I say no?" Sabre hung his arms over Dark's shoulders.

"I'll be sad" Dark whimpered.

"I don't like it when someone is sad" Sabre moved his head closer to the point their lips were barely touching.

"Then will you?"


Not even a second later Dark pushed Sabre against a wall and explored the human's mouth, swallowing the moans that Sabre made. After a bit, Dark pulled away so that they -Sabre- could breath.

"I love you Sabre" Dark breath, "I love so much, ever since I met you"

"I-I think I love you too" Sabre smiled.

From the corner of his eye, Sabre saw something gold going around the corner of the room.

"Lucas? Is that you?" Dark let Sabre go, but kept an arm around his waist.

The two watch as Lucas and Rainbow came out looking down in shame and in embarrassment.

"How long?" Sabre glared at his two friends.

"A little after you to started to kiss" Rainbow answered.

"And you heard what we just said didn't you" Dark signed knowing the answer.

Both nodded their head.

"Do either of you have something to say?" Sabre crossed his arms.

"I do" Lucas said.

Everyone looked at Lucas who had a serious look.


"Dibs on being Sabre's best man"

(Yeah I did that :P)


Word count: 767

Requests remaining: 6

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