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Purple Steve x FavremySabre

Human AU. I miss Purple, the one who calls Sabre 'Chicken Steve'
Warning: mention of drinking.
I don't know how to write a drunk person

Requested by MelissaC2000


Though it was late at night, Sabre was awake and reading a book in the home he shared with a few of his friends. Everyone else was either visiting relatives over the winter break or working a night shift except for Sabre, Rainbow, Galaxy and Purple. Sabre was the parent out of the four and would stay awake when one of his 'children' were out, especially after curfew. That child for the night is no other than Purple: a very smart kid, but he has his moments, everyone does. Ever since Purple turned 21, he would go to a local bar and drink once every two months. Though the parental figure does not like it, he allows it as long as Purple comes home on time and mostly sober. As far as Sabre knows, Purple followed that rule; however, tonight was different.

Reaching for his phone, Sabre was about to call Purple when it rang just as he grabbed it.


"Is this um Saber?" (I purposely spelt it like that)

"It's Sabre and who am I speaking to?"

"Names Green, I run a bar and there's this guy who is passed out right now. His name is Purple, one of my regulars, and I found your name under his emergency contacts. So I was wondering if you can pick him up? I don't want anything to happen to him"

"I will, thank you Green" Sabre said before he hanged up.

Writing a note for Rainbow and Galaxy, Sabre grabbed his coat and the keys to his car then walk outside in the cold. 

(Time skip brought you by Rainbow resisting the urge to hurt Galaxy with a stick.) 

Sabre knocked on the door of the bar seeing that it was closed for the night, but the lights were still on. The door opened to reveal a redhead man.

"Yes?" The man asked.

"Uh, I got a call from Green about my friend Purple" Sabre said a little intimidated by the person.

"Mmm, the friend of the drunk lover boy" The man chuckled then gestured for Sabre to follow him.

"What do you mean by the 'drunk lover boy'?" Sabre asked.

"That guy, Purple, goes on and on about this guy who he likes but is afraid to say anything." The man explained, "My husband, Green, tries to encourage him to say something, but the kid just doesn't listen. He drinks quite a bit whenever he comes here, but always stopped before he gets really tipsy. Saying, 'I don't want him know' or something like that"

"He never told me that he liked someone" Sabre said with a frown. Purple would tell him almost everything, since Purple was the only one who Sabre can deal with after getting a headache from Rainbow and Galaxy.

The man shrugged, "He reminds me of me before I gained the courage to ask Green out"


"Yep, his old man owned this place and he was a server here. I had a crush on him, but was too afraid to tell him. Until one night I got so drunk that I confessed to him by standing on a table and sang-" The man cut himself off and blushed in embarressment, "Well you don't need to know that"

"But that's how you got my attention Red" Both males turned to see Green supporting a semi-drunk Pruple.

"Hey there pudding" Red smiled.

"Purple" Sabre said worriedly and walk over to him.

"He's fine for the most part, but he keeps on mumbling-"

"I don't want him to know" Purple slured.

Sabre signed as he took his friend away from the bar owner, "Thank you for looking after him and sorry if he caused any trouble"

"You're welcome and he didn't cause none at all. He's one of those silent drunks and not a extremely loud one" Green smirk at Red at the last part, "Anyways, you should be getting home"

"We will thank you" Sabre said before he left half carrying, half dragging Purple.

 It was easy to get Purple to the car, but it was hard to get him in. Every time Sabre would unwrap his arms from his friend, Purple would grab him once again. Eventually, the brunette manages to get the purplenette in the passenger's seat then he went to the driver's side. Sabre was about to start the car when the keys were snatched out of his hands.

"Purple! Give those back!" Sabre groaned.

Purple shook his head and put the keys in his pocket.

"Come on Purple, we need to go home"

Once again Purple shook his head, "Can't"

"Why not?"

"Can't let Sabre see"

"I already see Purple and I'm not mad" Sabre said in a soft tone.

"I can't let him see me" Purple groaned.

Sabre signed and attempt to reach over to get his keys out of Purple's pocket only to find himself being pulled by Purple. The brunette soon found himself on straddling Purple's lap as the other held him by his hips so he would stay in place.

"P-Purple?" Sabre stuttered not knowing why his friend was acting like this.

"You look so much like him" Purple giggled, "Same soft brown hair, have those beautiful grey eyes, the same smell"

"Please let me go, you're drunk" Sabre begged.

"Do you mind keeping me company, cutie~" Purple winked,.

"Purple I-"

Sabre was cut off when Purple pushed his head down and kissed him. He tried to pull away but Purple wasn't having it. Using his other hand, Purple squeezed Sabre's hip making him gasp and used that time to enter Sabre's mouth. When Purple finally pulled away, he felt a stinging sensation on his cheek. It took him a moment to register that he was slapped and another to realize who and what was happening. Sitting on his lap was a teary and shaking Sabre.


Sabre didn't say anything as he reached in Purple's pocket and pulled out his keys, he then got off and started the car. Neither spoke as Sabre drove. Purple looked out the window, feeling much sober now, he thought about how he just ruined his chances just because he drunk. As for Sabre, he didn't know what to think about what happened, all he wanted was to go home, go to bed and forget about all of this. Though he was curious to why Purple did what he did.


Word count: 1083

Requests remaining: 16   

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