Elemental and Time

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Wanted to do something different so I got my two favorite brothers once again: Elemental Steve and Time Steve. If you read 'Forced yet Regretted' then this is where Time came back and him and Elemental talk.  


After dropping Rainbow back in the Rainbow Town, Time teleport back to Elemental's base since he promised he would. Time really did not want to talk to Elemental after everything: force mark Sabre then turned against the mark, ignored him for years, betrayed his trust, leaving him the mess to clean up. All Time wanted was his brother back, but now he has a Steve who doesn't even want him to be in his life. While waiting for Elemental to notice his presence, Time walk around the base to see if there was anything interesting. 

When Elemental felt Time's presence, he couldn't be anymore happy; his younger brother came back. He can not mess this up, this was his last chance to get his brother back or what's left of him. Seeing Time for the first time in years, Elemental immediately noticed how much he changed; no longer he was the innocent child that Elemental held close to him, no longer did he have that sparkle in his light golden eyes, no longer did he have that smile on his face, no longer did he call Elemental 'big brother'. The Steve knows he messed up so bad, he hurt the one person never wanted to. Now here he is, afraid to confront his own brother.

"T-Time?" Elemental said notifying Time of his presence.

"What is it you need to talk about Elemental?" Time asked getting straight to the point, not looking at the older Steve.

"Time, I'm sorry for everything I put you through. I never wanted to hurt you, the want to know our creator was eating me alive. And the thing with Sabre, I just-"

"Stop!" Time shouted finally turning to Elemental, "Don't you think apologizing to me will fix anything! I spent the last I-don't-know-how-many years by myself, thinking it was my fault for everything! I wanted to know our creators, but as long as I had you I was fine; however, it was like you never cared about me! Every action you make has an impact on me! Have you ever notice that your injuries healed faster than a Steve? Well that's because we're brothers: we share pain! And the incident with Sabre and Mark, that was the most idiotic thing you ever did! You could have killed Sabre, Dark, Rainbow and so many just because you were selfish!"


"I tried so hard for us to go back to be brothers, but after you used me, I gave up! I gave up on us ever being brothers again! So don't thing sorry will fix anything! It's too late!" Time yelled. He felt drained yet relieved that the got that off his shoulders.

"Time, I didn't know" Elemental tried to put a hand on Time's shoulder but it was knocked off.

"If you listen then you would" Time spat.

"I can't fix the past Time, I wish I could so we wouldn't be like this. I never knew I affected you this much, I never knew that I was hurting you" Elemental admitted, "I made so many mistakes it's pathetic I know, but is there anything I can do to fix it?"

Time stared into Elemental's eyes.

"You can fix it by stop acting like a child having a temper tantrum and grow the flip up'  Time growled. 

The younger's words stung Elemental, but they were true: he is acting like a child when he should be acting like an all powerful being.

"I know I can't fix what I have done, but can I have another chance Time? I understand that my actions are unacceptable and I'm willing to take any punishment that is set for me"

Time look deep in Elemental's eyes before looking away and signing to himself, "Some days I don't know what to expect from you"

"I mean it Time, I'll do anything to fix what I have done and to..." Elemental put a hand on Time's shoulder, "have you be my brother again"


"Don't" When Elemental touch Time, he felt everything that he was holding back: anger, sadness, grief, frustration, etc.

The older brought Time into a hug and ran a hand up and down his back.

"Let it out Time, I'm here now"

Not even a second later, Time let everything out through his tears and muffle sobs as Elemental continue to hold him. It was as if Elemental was holding Time together so he wouldn't break when he lets all of his emotions out that were eating him up inside.

"I have you Time and I won't make the same mistake of letting you go again. It was foolish of me to hurt you so much and nothing will make me feel any different" Elemental said.

Time clung onto Elemental, "I miss you big brother, I miss you so much"

"Me too little one, more than you ever know"


Word count: 843

Requests remaining: 11   

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