NightLucas Part 2

319 9 2

Requested by MelissaC2000


Lucas ran through the empty halls of the school, he didn't care about his classes at the moment after what he had done. He couldn't believe that he kissed Nightmare right then and there. The blonde soon stopped at his locker to catch his breath, but find he couldn't. Lucas found himself trembling as he tried to get air to his lungs only to find it very difficult.

'Not now, any time but now!' Lucas thought as he struggled to breath. 

He fell onto his knees feeling weaker and weaker every second he couldn't breath properly. Lucas knows he's going through a panic attack, sometimes he can out of it by himself, but other times like this he couldn't. Black dots clouded the blonde's vision as he started to go uncouncious and could only hope for someone to find him. Before Lucas passed out, he heard his name being called, but couldn't tell who it was as he was out like a light.


Nightmare stood in the same spot after Lucas kissed him then ran out saying sorry.


That name was so familiar, the way it rolled off his tongue so easily for someone he just meant hours ago. It's not just Lucas' name sounded familiar to Nightmare: the way his crystal blue eyes shined so brightly, the way his hair looks so messy yet fits him just right, everything looked so familiar. Decided to find the blonde, Nightmare walk out of the classroom and hoped that he could find Lucas if he hadn't left the school.

Minutes later, Nightmare found the person of interest near some locker, but he instanly knew that something was wrong. It was when Lucas fell onto his knees when Nightmare knew that his hunch was right and ran to him as fast as he could.

"Lucas!" Nightmare yelled just before Lucas fell unconsious.

Not wanting to waste anymore time, Nightmare pick up Lucas and ran to the nurse's office as fast as he could. He burst through the door to see a Blue Alex and a Purple Steve chatting to each other. The two gave Nightmare a look, but when they noticed the bee colored Steve carrying an unconscious student, they went quickly to help. The Blue Alex took Lucas from Nightmare as the Purple Steve went to see if he was hurt.

Nightmare didn't say anything and just stared at Lucas, 'This, this seems so familiar. Why though?'

Lucas started to cough as the Blue Alex started to use her healing magic to help him breath better. Barely opening his eyes, Lucas saw Nightmare staring at him, though he thought it was a dream, and whispered something that brought everything back to the Steve.


'I-I like you Mare'


'Guys, I don't feel g-g-good'

'What's happening to him?!'

'Stop panicking'

'Breath Lucas, breath'

'Tell me what's happening!'

'We need to get to Sabre, he'll know what to do'

'Nightmare, tell everyone we had to go back home'

'Wait please tell me what's wrong with Lu'


'Dude the portal, it's collapsing'

'Flip! We need to go!'



'Come on Nightmare wake up'

"Nightmare I swear to Notch if you don't wake up-!"

The said Steve jumped when he hear someone yelling in his ear and seen it was Sabre standing next to him with a worried expression. Nightmare was confused at first, but then he noticed he was laying on one of the beds in the nurse's office.

"Sabre? What happened?"

"Finally" Sabre signed, "You passed out a few minutes after you brought Lucas here - which I thank you for - and been out for almost two hours"

"What happened to Lucas? Is he okay?" Nightmare asked worried about the blonde, especially now that he remembered everything.

"He's fine, he just a panic attack" Sabre shrugged as though it was nothing.

"But what happened before?"


"Lucas had one when the portal to the Saga World collapse" Nightmare clarified.

Sabre's eyes widened, well Nightmare thinks they were since he had a bandanna covering his eyes, "Lucas is just asleep, wake him up and asked him"

With that, Sabre got up and walk out of the room mumbling to himself, leaving Nightmare alone with Lucas. The Steve glanced at the peaceful human and felt bad for waking up, but he needed answers. Getting up, Nightmare walk over to the bed occupied by Lucas and gently shook him.

"Hmmm, Sabre?" Lucas mumbled before he opened his eyes only to see it was Nightmare staring at him, "N-Nightmare"

"Lucas, I'm sorry that this is late and I should have told you this earlier but Iike you too"


Word count: 780

Requests remining: 13

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