(7) Brothers Part 2

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I forgot to do this earlier and it got lost in my mailbox for awhile.

Requested by GalaxyChan6

(Sorry for the huge delay btw)


"Your parents?" Shark questioned.



"Because you won't like me"

Shark and Moose stared at Sabre weirdly before Shark decided they should change the topic, which Sabre was thankful for.

"Since you're living with us, you're going to the same school as us right?"

Sabre nodded and gave Shark his schedule when he asked for it.

"Awesome, you're in most of my classes: two are with both of us, one is just with Moose,  two with just me and the rest we don't have, but at least we have lunch" Shark summarized. Moose look over Shark's shoulder to see his new brother's schedule.

"So your with me first thing in the morning man" Moose said happily. Sabre smiled a bit, happy that his new brothers accepted him, well most of him. The trio finished breakfast and headed off to school; Shark went his way as Moose showed Sabre their class. Along the way Moose saw a friend of.

"Nathan (Unspeakable), hey man how are you?" Moose ask as he and Nathan did a little hand shake.

"Nothing much, what about you?"    

"Well remember I told you that my mom had a surprise for Shark and I?"

"Yeah, you texted me about it most of the night"

"Well it turns out the surprise was-"

"Hey there freak" Moose and Nathan turned to see Jeffrey, the school bully (no reference), picking on a kid who looks familiar to Moose.

"I see that you decided to show your face here again. You really think covering your eyes will do you any good!?" Jeffrey taunted. 

Moose ran over when he heard Jeffrey said 'covering your eyes', he knew it was Sabre he was talking to. Nathan followed not knowing what was happening, but what he did know was that Jeffrey was bulling an innocent kid again. A crowd gathered around Jeffery and a new kid who was cowering away from the bully. 

"I'm talking to you freak" Jeffrey sneered.

"Just l-leave me a-alone" Sabre whimpered. In response, Sabre received a punch in the face then tears soak through his bandanna.

"And not the pleasure of tormenting you? I think not" Jeffrey was about to throw another punch to the brunette, but a hand grabbed his fist. When the bully saw who it was, he was scared: Moose, one of the most popular kid in school; Nathan, his best friend; and Shark, his younger brother. Shark had ran over when he heard of a kid with a blindfold getting bet up by Jeffrey and instantly knew it was Sabre.

"What are you doing to my bro, Jeffrey?" Moose growled. His eyes glowed red, no one hurts his family, even if he just known them for a few hours.

"N-nothing" Jeffrey stuttered. This is where Jeffrey learned that he messed up 

Meanwhile, Nathan and Shark help Sabre up who whimpered feeling his soon to be bruised cheek.

"You okay man?" Shark asked. He knows how Jeffrey's punches hurt, he got a few before Moose found out and beat the Notch out of the guy.

"I'm fine" Sabre mumbled.   

"Nathan, I think you should calm my brother down" Shark said when he seen the murderous look in Moose's eyes. (I seen this earlier Unmooseable so why not)

"You're right, I'll be right back" Nathan walk over to his friend who's towering a terrified Jeffrey.

Shark rolled his eyes and look back over to his brother who's been recently quieter than usual, "Don't let Jeffrey get to you man, he's just a big bully"

"I know, but why is he afraid of Moose?" Sabre asked. He never seen Jeffrey look so afraid in his life. 

Shark chuckled he stills remember how that happen, "Well he made the same mistake with me when I first came to this school. Jeffrey bullying me both physical and verbally and I would come home with bruises for a week and played it off as though I got hurt in gym or something. Nathan was the one only who knew how I got them."


"Oh you don't know, Nathan is Moose and I's childhood friend and Moose's crush" Shark smirk. 'One of these days' 

"Anyways, Nathan told Moose about the bulling about three weeks later and let's say you never mess with a family member of Moose especially if it's his younger brother" A thought came to Shark mind, "How does Jeffrey know you anyways?"

"He was my bully in middle school before he moved, I guess he came back" Sabre signed. He'll have to worry about begin bullied all over again. 

Shark put a comforting hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry man, Moose won't let that happen."

To prove his point, Shark point to where their brother was. Jeffrey was laying unconscious on the ground with a red mark on his cheek. Nathan had stopped Moose from hurting the bully any more even though Jeffrey had bullied him, Shark and then Sabre.

The duo walk over to the younger then Moose check to see if Sabre was okay.

"Are you sure you're good?" Sabre rolled his eyes, not that anyone could see them, for the 20th time.

"I'm fine Moose" Shark had advise him not to tell Moose about his previous encounters with Jeffrey.

"But that punch look-"

"Moose" Shark and Nathan groaned.

"Fine, I'll stop" Moose huffed.

"So what now?" The boys already missed most of first period.

"Moose Milk!" Moose yelled and started to run to where? Sabre doesn't know.

When Moose passed Nathan, he grab his hand, dragging him along. A blush appeared on Nathan's face as he tried to keep up with his best friend.

"Unmooseable is really!" Shark yelled. He went to grab Sabre's hand when he notice that the bandanna no longer covered his eyes.


Sabre gave him a bright smile that made his grey eyes shine and grab Shark's had as he went to follow his older brother and new friend, "Only those who truly accept me can see past the mask I wear"  


Word Count: 1030

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