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Rainbow Steve x 09Sharkboy

I am watching Shark as I type this right now.

Requested by MelissaC2000


Rainbow watch as three humans run through the land, trying to find where he is and how to defeat him. It was interesting watching them run around like headless chicken then playing with them. However as time went on, they were getting closer and closer to finding a way to destroy him which was something he could not let happen. At first he planned to destroy them, but who would keep him entertained then? So he planned to capture one: Shark, the youngest yet most worried some of the trio.

Getting everything ready, Rainbow couldn't wait to get his hands on the youngest human.


Meanwhile Shark, Moose and Ariel were running around in hopes of finding any signs of Rainbow as well as get Ariel to believe everything they were telling him  about the Steves. Soon enough Ariel said something about seeing an emerald block that fell from the sky next both Shark and Ariel seen a redstone block fall from the sky. After that everything turned into madness. Once they climb a mountain, they seen majority of a mountain cover in blocks, and not just any blocks, but the ones Rainbow used.

Exploring the mountain a bit and avoiding fireballs, they soon found a monument where they seen Rainbow floating above an Ender Crystal. Deciding that the crystal was supplying Rainbow his power so they destroyed. That was a mistake as they were struck by lighting, hit by fireballs and blocks fell from the sky.

The three continued to run and find any more of Rainbow's monuments. They destroyed two already and found the third and probably the last one. 

"I think this is the last one man" Moose said taking out his sword.

"Alright, once we destroy the crystal, get ready to attack Rainbow" Shark said.

Ariel took out his bow, ready to give the others cover fire while Moose and Shark advance to the monument. The two destroyed the End Crystal, but once they did, Moose had a bad feeling when Rainbow did not move. He was about to tell his friend to get away, but it was too late. A ball of different blocks surrounded Moose and Shark, blocking Ariel from entering.

"Guys! What's happening?!" Ariel yelled.

"I don't know!" Moose yelled back, "Shark we need to get out of here"

When Moose turned back to face his younger friend, he found that Shark had been knocked unconscious and was being held by Rainbow who was smirking at Moose. Moose glared at the Steve as his grip tightened on his sword.

"Let. Him. Go" Moose growled through his teeth.

Rainbow smirk then run a hand threw Shark's brown hair, "He's cute you know, such an innocent face" The Steve then kiss Shark's cheek, not once taking his eyes off Moose.

Moose's eyes went from chocolate brown to amber, "Let go of Andrew now!"

"Andrew" Rainbow chuckled, "So that's this human's name, it suits him"

Moose charged a the Steve, but quickly stopped when Rainbow used Shark as a shield.

"I wonder human, what is your relationship with this young one?"

"What is it to you?"

"Judging from your actions, you two are close. Best friends seems a level below. Brothers? Or lovers?" Rainbow looked careful for some sort of reaction, but all he got was more anger, "Ether way, this young one is coming with me"

"Not if I can help it" Moose charged at Rainbow only to be met with air. The only thing Moose could do was stare at Shark's now cracked sunglass.


Shark woke up in an unfamiliar room on an unfamiliar bed with different clothing on. Instead of his shark onesie, he was wearing a grey shirt and brown pants (based off his maze runner skin). His sunglasses were no longer on his face since everything seemed brighter than it should be.

"I see that you are awake" 

Shark's head snapped up to see a colorful Steve smirking at him.

"R-Rainbow! Where am I? And where's my friends?" Shark glared at Rainbow.

The Steve approach Shark, "Don't worry, your friends are safe"

"How do I know your telling the truth?" Shark asked wary.

Rainbow crawled on the bed and over Shark, "I don't know, whether you believe me or not is up to you"

Shark gulped, "Why am I here?"

"Why not? You are my entertainment now little one" Rainbow said while lightly touching Shark's arm.

Shark let out a whimper, he felt small now that Rainbow was so close to him and could hurt him at any giving moment. Of course the colorful Steve noticed this.

"Don't be afraid little Andrew, I won't hurt you....much"

Brown eyes widen when hearing his real name.


"Oh would you love to know" Rainbow then kissed Shark's cheek before got off.

The expression on the brunette's face was absolutely adorable to Rainbow. 

"I have things to, I'll be seeing you soon Andy~" Rainbow winked then walk to the door. 

After the door shut behind Rainbow, Shark started to shaking uncontrollably. He knew, he knows his real name; something that no one else knows besides his close friends. Shark curled up in a ball and started to cry. 

He didn't want to be here with Rainbow.

He wanted his friends. 

He wanted his family. 

Most importantly, he wanted Moose. He wanted Moose to hug and tell him that everything will be alright.


Word count: 912

Requests remaining: 33

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