(23) Elemental Time

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Elemental Steve x Time Steve


After departing from Sabre and Rainbow, Time teleport where Elemental's base use to be. It was in rubble from collapsing in on its self. Tears stream down Time's face behind his mask. He was walking towards the center marked by a gold block where he fell to his knees. Time let out heart wrenching sobs that shock his whole body; hugging himself seemed to be the only thing that kept him from falling apart.

Though him and Elemental were somewhat enemies , they were once best friends and could never split apart until that day.

"I'm so sorry Elemental, you just wanted to know, but I was afraid. I was so afraid if we found our creator, you would leave me behind; you would chose them over me" Time whispered with small hiccups in between. The Steve did not know someone else was there until he was pulled into a hug. The person rub his hand up and down Time's back in a comforting way.

"I didn't know you felt that way" He spoke. Time knew that voice very well. He buried himself further into Elemental and cried harder than before.

"It's okay, let it out, I'm here" Elemental said as he pulled Time into his lap the rock him back and forth. Eventually Time's sobs turned back into small hiccups. he had curled himself into Elemental's lap, not that he minded since he held the smaller Steve in a possessive hold.

"H-how did you live?" Time tried to pull away so he could look at Elemental, but he was instantly pulled back into the other's chest.

"You don't need to know" Elemental held Time tighter, "All you need to know is that I'm back and I will never let you go"  

Time felt a hand on the buckle of his mask and his hands went to block it.

"Time" The Steve felt Elemental's breathe in his ear, "let me see the Steve behind the mask"

The instance Time nodded his head, the buckle to his mask fell forward and was slowly removed from his face. Once Time's eyes adjust to the look up to Elemental who's voice was caught in his throat. Elemental stared at Time's gold eyes. They are like his, but softer and innocent, even more so when his black hair fall just above them making them shine even more.

"You are just as beautiful as you were all those years ago." Elemental whispered softly. A light blush covered Time's face. He went to cover his face, but Elemental garb both of his wrists to prevent him from to. Time was about to say something, but only yelped when Elemental pinned him to the ground with his arms on either side of his and Elemental on top of him.

"El?" Time said softly. Elemental smirk at the old nickname. He lean down to Time's neck and ran his tongue all over the soft skin beneath him. Time shivered and moaned through out Elemental's onslaught. Soon Elemental found the spot that affected Time the most and bit is hard enough to cause blood and to make Time scream. After licking the blood away, Elemental pulled back to see his work: Time was panting, his hair was messed up, his bright eyes filled with a desired, his neck had a bright bruise that was very noticeable.      

"El? Wh-what?" No words could be formed.

"I never could bring myself to do this when we were younger: me being so stubborn and you being so innocent. Now that we understand each other, I can finally do this"

Before Time could even blink, he felt a pair of lips on his. Not knowing what to do, he tried to copy Elemental, but it was sloppy. Elemental pulled away with a chuckle.

"From the way you kiss, that was your first" Time look down in embarrassment. He was isolated for most of his life after his fallout with Elemental. Feeling a hand on his cheek, Time look up to see Elemental smiling.

"Don't be embarrassed. This means I still can have you after all these years" Elemental switch their positions so Time would be on top of Elemental.  

Elemental pulled Time as close as possible while Time curled himself into the other Steve.  

"Time, if ever found our creator: I would chose you over them in a heartbreak" Elemental whispered.

Time felt tears prickle his eyes, all these years of worrying that Elemental would leave him, he finally got an answer.

"You don't know how much that means to me" Time smiled. Just like Elemental, Time has always loved him, but ignored those feelings because he thought Elemental would reject him and the feeling of him rejecting him completely for their creator. However, those words Elemental just said lifted a huge weight off of his shoulders.


Word count: 813 

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