(9) GhostSabre

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Ghost Steve x Favremysabre

Requested by Olisteve


Ghost walk aimlessly around the plain biome he has been in for a long time. He missed his friends: Sabre, Lucas and Rainbow, especially Sabre. Ghost did not realize he developed feelings for the human until he left on his journey. 

He missed seeing cheerful smile that Sabre always had or his worried face whenever one of them is hurt or his laugh that is very contagious. He missed the hugs the human gave him - when he was in his solid form - and the encouragement he gave when Ghost was down. Sabre was the best thing that ever happened to him besides Lucas and Rainbow of course.

As night approaches, he went up a tree to stay away from the mobs. Yes he could turn invisible and no the mobs can see him, however, they can feel him when they bump into him. Besides he wants to look at the stars and moon up above. Sabre had taught him about simple constellations when he found Ghost on night on the room; nether of them could fall asleep so Sabre decide to teach Ghost about the world above since he never seen it until a few days ago.

Of all of his memories, that was the one he treasures the most. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a shooting star and remember what Sabre had told him one night.

"Hey Ghost look over there" Sabre pointed to something flying across the sky.

"W-what's that?" Ghost asked scared. He was afraid that it would come and hurt them.

"Don't worry Ghost, it's a shooting star."

"A shooting star?"

"Yeah, you close your eyes and make a wish. You can't say what it is or else it won't come true"


"Yes, go on ahead and make one" That night Ghost wished for to always to be with Sabre to see him smile and to teach him about the world above.

Those wishes only lasted for a few months before he left because of a Steve who told him to find something.

"I wish I could see Sabre once more; to feel his warmth as he hugs me, the laugh that makes me smile. I wish to sit down under the stars next to him one more time." Ghost signed knowing his wish won't come true: he made the chose that lead him here. Soon he fell asleep only to be awaken by a force pulling him towards something. A flash of white light blinded him.

When he recovered from whatever just happened, he look around him to see he was on a patch of grass in the middle of a crater. 

"It can't be" A voice behind him jump, "G-Ghost?"

Ghost's eyes widen as he turned to find the source of the voice. There stood Sabre in his famous chicken suit with his signature bandanna over his eyes, but Ghost could tell the human was crying.

"Is that really you?"

"It's me, it's really me" Sabre engulfed Ghost in a hug, letting out a few sniffles.

"I-I missed you a lot" Sabre cried.

"I missed you too Sabre, I missed you so much"

Once the two broke from there hug, Sabre lead him back through the path he made to get to Ghost. Sabre then explained a lot of things to Ghost from where Nightmare destroyed the Rainbow Town to Elemental betraying them up to now where him, Rainbow and Galaxy had just defeated Memory. At the end, Ghost pulled the human into another hug.

"I shouldn't have left"

"Don't blame yourself, you didn't know" Ghost signed. He felt the sun hit his face and worked up the courage to tell Sabre how he felt.



"Remember when you told me the sun is a star and is the brightest since it is closer?"

"Yes, why?"

"Well to me your my little star and since you closer to me than the sun, you shine very bright, brighter than anything I ever seen before"

Sabre's cheeks flared up into a bright blush as he was lost at words, "G-Ghost -"

"Shh" Ghost then pulled Sabre into a small kiss, "Let me do this please"

Sabre nodded his head and wrap his arms around Ghost as he put his hands on the humans hip and then pulled him in another kiss.

"Sabre, you brought the light back into my life and showed my that even in the darkness light shines. I love you Sabre, I love you are my little light" Ghost mumbled when they broke apart, "I have since you showed me the world outside of the catacombs and I want to be with you"

"Ghost" Sabre said softly, "I love you too, my shining moon"

Two things that shine in the dark, together in love with one another. 


Word Count: 814

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