ReverseLucas Part 2

369 4 0

Requested by MelissaC2000

I watch the Goldbergs vs. Blackish on the Steve Harvey game show minutes ago and I almost dead laughing. No one request a part 3 of this please because I am cringing so bad on how I'm doing this right now. Sorry if this sucks


Lucas ran as fast as he could back to the Rainbow Town, stumbling over his feet as he did. He had to get back to see if his friends are fine, especially Sabre. Just as he entered the town, Lucas heard Rainbow screaming Sabre's name and picked his pace to find the two. Once he did, Lucas's blue eyes widen: Reverse was holding an unconscious Sabre by the neck against a tree.

"Sabre!" Lucas yelled getting the attention of the two colorful Steves, but the blonde didn't pay any mind as he stared at his friend.

"Looks like little Lucas decided to come" Reverse said with a playful tone.

"Let. Him. Go." Lucas growled. 

Though Rainbow was happy to see the blonde, he coward away from the dark aura surrounding him. Reverse internally smiled, he had the blonde where he wanted him by using his one ultimate weaknesses: Sabre. The Steve knows he's playing with fire messing with brunette right in front of his friend, but this was the only way he can get Lucas' attention.

"Oh I will, only if you come with me" Reverse said.

 "No he won't" Rainbow spoke up. He didn't want to see his other friend hurt.

"Reverse I-" Lucas was cut off when he heard Sabre talk.

"L-Lucas" Sabre breathed.

 "Sabre" Lucas whispered coming back to his senses.

He couldn't let Sabre get hurt anymore and knew what he had to do: the same thing Sabre would do for him.

"Reverse" Lucas said getting the Steves' attention once again, "If I go with you, then you'll let go of Sabre?"

"That is correct and worry not, I do keep my promises" Reverse said knowing that he had Lucas.

"Then I'll go" Lucas said walking to Reverse.

"Lucas! No!" Rainbow yelled.

"Sabre would do the same for me Rainbow, watch over him" Lucas said not looking at his friend.

Reverse laid Sabre flat onto the ground and removed his hand from his neck. The blonde took one last look at his best friend before taking Reverse's outstretch hand and teleport away leaving a Rainbow not knowing what to do.


Lucas felt someone playing with his hair and that he was on a soft bed. It was odd because the dream he had felt so real, but as long as Sabre was okay that's all it matters. The blonde snuggled closer to who he that was Sabre and let out a content sign before falling back into a deep sleep.

Reverse smiled when he seen and felt Lucas curl up to his side him even more and the soft purrs whenever he ran his hand through those blonde locks. The Steve has to admit, Lucas is cuter than he thought he would be and more stubborn than he originally thought. In all honesty, he like that side on the human than his normal self.

Reverse snapped out of his fantisy land when he felt Lucas shifting then heard his breath pick up. Looking down, the Steve seen that Lucas' eyes were screwed tight. Understanding that the blonde was having a nightmare, Reverse pulled Lucas into his arms and held him close in hopes that would sooth the human. After a few minutes, Lucas woke up with tears streaming down his face.

"It's okay, it's okay" Reverse repeated over and over as he rocked Lucas back and forth knowing that he was in shock, "Nothing will hurt you here"

"R-Re-" Lucas tried to speak but he was panicking too much for him to speak.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you" Reverse promised, "Relax, when you wake up, we'll talk"

Lucas could only nod before he fell back into a, hopefully, peaceful sleep.


Word count: 667

Requests remaining: 8

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