(15) PositiveLucas

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Positive Steve x Thelspike

Requested by XxRoboticLauncherxX

Warning some references might be wrong  


Positive and his brother, Negative, watch as the humans and the colorful Steve talk among themselves though they could care less about what they say. The brothers had their eyes on the two oblivious humans: Sabre for Negative and Lucas for Positive. The younger of the two felt his brother's anger when Rainbow hugged Sabre and then Positive felt it too when he hugged Lucas. 

Soon they heard lighting signaling that Sabre and Rainbow went to back to their world, leaving Lucas to his own devices.  Positive grinned, he gets his sweet Lucas to himself knowing his brother will go to Sabre's world.

"Remember brother, a few hours can we be apart in different worlds" Negative reminded his brother.

"I know brother, I'm so happy we have enough power to separate" Positive cheered.

"Me too. I will get going now, unlike you I have to deal with an annoying Steve to get what I want." With that Negative teleported away causing a lot of lighting in his leave.

"Good luck brother, now it's just me and Lucas"


Lucas look up at the sound of lightning, he knows it wasn't any of the machines so he walk around to find the source. Seeing nothing on the ground, he flew around only to get the same result.

"I guess it was just a after affect" Lucas mumbled to himself, "I need to get back to work"

The human was working on the side of his house when he felt an arm wrap around his midsection causing him to freeze.

"Hello Lucas" The blonde gluped, he knows that voice all too well, "Turn around, I would love to see those light blue eyes you have" Positive whispered in Lucas' ear, he let go of Lucas momentarily.

Lucas did as the Steve said as his scared blue eyes met a pair of red ones.

"There we go" Positive smiled. He wrap his arm around Lucas' waist, pulling him closer to him. Lucas' hand were on Positive's shoulders, trying to push himself as far as he can from the Steve.

"L-let me g-go" Lucas whimpered.

"You look so cute scared" Positive used his hand not around Lucas' waist to move strands of hair out his face before running his hand across Lucas' check then under his chin, tilting his head up. Lucas was forced to look at Positive, straight in his eyes. 

"Hey, hey, calm down" Positive said softly after noticing how quick the blonde was breathing. The Steve pulled him into a comforting hug, running his hand (the one that was on Lucas' cheek) up and down his back.

"I'm not going to hurt you any time soon" Positive whispered into Lucas' ear before he pulled back, "You're so sweet Lucas, you're my sweet Lucas"

"M-my?" Positive leaned closer to Lucas' lip.

"You were mine since the beginning. Ever since I saw you in that cage when your friend fought Nightmare"

"Y-you were there?" Lucas shook, how long has Positive watch him. Wait. "Wh-where is N-negative?"

"Oh, my brother? He's after his human"

"What?" There was one other human besides himself, "Wait Sabre?" Though he was scared for himself, Negative was a bigger threat than Positive; at least Positive has a bit of mercy.

"Yes, we both saw you when you defeated Nightmare, but enough talk about everyone but us" Positive said with some annoyance laced in his voice. He wants his sweet and time was short. Lucas had barely time to think when Positive pushed his lips on his. Positive forced his way past the human's lips and brought him closer to him. A bright blush formed on Lucas' face making him beat red.

Lucas felt extremely light headed and would be on his knees if Positive wasn't holding him. Eventually, Positive released Lucas from the kiss and continue to hold him closely. Effortlessly Positive picked up Lucas bridal style and carried him into his house then in his room. Positive gently laid Lucas on his bed. Meanwhile, Lucas was unaware of where he was or what was happening, his mind was still a bit clouded after the kiss.

"To you this will be a dream when you wake up, but soon it will become a reality, my sweet." A wave of sleepiness washed over Lucas. Positive brought him into another kiss, but this time Lucas let him in willingly much to Positive's surprise.

"Next time I see you, I'm marking you as mine so no matter where you go, I will find you" Positive said with a bit possession in his voice, "one thing that my bother and I have in common is we are very possessive. So don't think you can ever get away from me"

Positive's words caused Lucas to shiver.

"Go to sleep, my sweet" Positive whispered in Lucas' ear and instantly the blonde went to sleep with Positive holding him. 


Word count: 832

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