(13) ElementalNight

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Elemental Steve x Nightmare Steve

Requested by Maggiebutton


Nightmare watch from a distance as the human and the annoying Steve reunite once again. He didn't watch them in hatred or any way that showed he wanted to destroy them, no, he watch them in envy on how close they are; he wish him and Elemental were that way. Nightmare knew Elemental was using him, he had come to terms with that, but he could not stop loving the Steve.

"Good job Nightmare" The combine Steve jumped a bit hearing Elemental's voice all of a sudden, "My plan is coming along nicely and soon I will have Rainbow's power and my goal will be realized."

Nightmare said nothing as he continue to watch the duo, once Elemental got what he wants he'll thrown Nightmare away and become another victim of Elemental's scheme.

"You're being very quiet Nightmare" Elemental said. By now Nightmare would have said something, even a simple yes.

"It's nothing, I'm just tired. I'll met you back at the base" Nightmare mumbled as he telepoted away. When Nightmare arrived at Elemental's base and entered the room he assigned Nightmare, tears ran down his face. He tried his best to muffle his sobs just in case Elemental came back soon.

'Out of all Steves, why him?'


Elemental was curious to Nightmare's actions, but he ignored them for now and went over to get his targets' attention. However as time went by, he couldn't get the image of Nightmare's face out of his mind or how he sounded.

"Hey Elemental, what's wrong?" Elemental jump when he heard Sabre's voice. He momentarily forgot he was with Sabre, Rainbow was else were.

"Oh, nothing"

"Elemental, I'm no Steve expert, but I do know when something is wrong. Talk to me."

Elemental signed, he couldn't tell Sabre, not unless he wanted to ruin his own plan so he decided to use the phrase 'beat around the bush' as humans put it, "I know this Steve who has been acting different for a while; we've known each other for a long time, but he seems to be distancing himself as of late"

"Hmm, maybe he's hiding something. I know people who distance themselves from everyone, especially from the one they're keeping the secret from" 

"I see. Well I must return now, goodbye Sabre and thank you"

"No problem" 

Elemental was surprise that the human did not ask -, 

"By the way"

Never mind

"Who is your friend?"

"No one you know of, goodnight Sabre" With that Elemental teleported to his base.


Nightmare had stopped crying a while ago, not that he could since he was mentally exhausted and fell asleep on the floor where he sat not knowing of who is just outside of his room.

Elemental was in front of Nightmare's door not knowing whether to knock or just open the; deciding that the latter was rude, he knock on the door. When he got no answer, he quietly open the door and look around until his eyes landed on a sleeping figure on the floor.

'Why is he laying on the floor?' Elemental walk over then crouch over Nightmare's sleeping figure. Letting out a sign, the powerful Steve lift Nightmare up bridal style and carried him to his bed. Nightmare nuzzle into Elemental's chest and breath in deeply as though he was dreaming of this moment. Once Elemental put the former Yellow Steve on the bed, he took this time to observe the Steve who softly snored. He didn't what force cause him to do it, but he brushed dark yellow hair out of Nightmare's face before he traced his hand to his jawline then brush over his lips. As he did so, Nightmare let out a content sign.

Slowly, Elemental leaned down to the point where if ether one of them move they would kiss, but that was guaranteed when Elemental close the gap.

Nightmare felt something or someone press their lips on his. When he open his eyes to see it was Elemental, he was shock.

"I apologize Nightmare, that was not appropriate" Elemental said as he got up to leave, he already missed the feeling of Nightmare's lips. He was about to walk away when he felt Nightmare grab his hand, pulling him back to the bed.

"Don't go. I-I liked it" Nightmare whispered. Elemental look at him confused.

"You liked it?"

"Y-yes I liked you for a long time Elemental" Nightmare let go of Elemental's hand as he cover his face out of embarrassment.

"I see" Nightmare felt the bed dip down and his hands pulled away from his face, "Then you don't mind if I did it again"

Not waiting for an answer, Elemental lock his lips with Nightmare who happily let him in. The taller pulled the other onto his lap as the smaller wrapped his arms around Elemental's neck and his legs around the other's waist.

Eventually they pulled away for air.

"So this is why you seem distance as of late?"


"I'll let you go this time" Elemental grab Nightmare's hair and pulled it harshly, "but if you do that again you'll get punish. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Elemental"

"Good, now let's get some sleep" 

Nightmare nod as they got under the covers. Elemental pulled Nightmare to his chest and kissed the top of his head.

"Goodnight 'mare"

"Night 'tal" 


Word Count: 904

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