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Ultra Steve x Sabre

Requested by Olisteve

(A/N: Ultra has Rainbow and Light's memories, but is his own Steve)


Ultra look all around him, he was confused to where he was or why he was there.

"I can't believe it work" Ultra look down to see someone in a chicken suit. A human? He went through his memories to see that the human, Sabre, is a good friend to Rainbow and basically a father figure/creator to Light.

"Half is Rainbow and half is Light, this is amazing" Sabre cheered. He was happy that combining Rainbow's powers and Light work. Quickly getting out a sign as Ultra came down from the machine to see if the new Steve can read.

Meanwhile, Ultra smiled at the human's cheerfulness, it was cute, no Sabre was just cute in general. He was confused at the sudden emotion, but got even more confuse when he read the sign that Sabre had put down. When he nodded, Sabre pretty much jumped for joy and started run around talking to himself. Ultra now knows why Rainbow and Light are fond of this human, and why he is growing attach to him so fast. Testing out his powers, Ultra manage to fly for a bit before he landed on the ground; it felt nice to use his powers for the first time in a long time.

Sabre was amazed at how Ultra flew up, "That was amazing!"

Ultra then went to test out his other powers and started to make miniature walls, unfortunately, that drained his powers since he didn't have much to begin with. He made his way back to Sabre who look at him in concern.

After asking if he was okay, Sabre went to work on a machine to increase Ultra's powers just in case Dark decided to come. Ultra watch as Sabre work on a 'machine' as he put it; he had to admit, this human is quiet smart. Eventually Sabre ask him to step on the machine to which he complied because he knew Sabre could cause no harm to him or will he ever.

"Okay, turning on the machine in 3, 2, 1 go!" Sabre turned on the machine and waited for the lighting to cease before he turned the machine off.

Ultra felt a rush of energy fuel him, so when he was freed from the machine he immediately went high into the sky. He look down to see the small human standing below him looking at him in awe. Suddenly he felt it, the present of a dark presence; he knew it was not Dark, but something else. He wanted to protect Sabre as much as possible, but according to his memories the human manages to get himself into trouble or trouble finds him. So he decided to summon a wall of water, then put ice on top before putting even more water over it again. 

Sabre was a bit scared when Ultra started to make a wall of water since it reminded him of the Blue Steve he met before, but remember that Ultra is a combination of his two best friends who would not hurt him. He went to the top of the water wall and watch as Ultra covered it in ice and water. At one point he thought Ultra would put water over him, but he stopped just before he reached him. Sabre felt a swell of pride in himself knowing that Ultra is doing so well. He came down the water wall to examine it from below.

Ultra found himself stopping to admire his work then went over to where Sabre was. He felt himself drawn to the human in a weird way, not a way he had ever felt  before. Once he was near Sabre, he couldn't resist the pull anymore.

"U-Ultra?" Sabre stuttered. One minute he was phrasing Ultra, the next thing he knew Ultra was right in front of him, barely a foot apart breathing heavily, "Ultra what's wrong?"

Ultra pulled Sabre by his waist to be closer to him. Sabre's fists were the only things keeping them from touch chest to chest.

"What is happening? Wait Ultra can't understand me that's why I use signs" Sabre muttered the last part to himself; however, unknowing to him, Ultra indeed understood what he said. 

Ultra raised his unoccupied hand to cup one of Sabre's cheeks, "Oh, Sabre I can hear you fine"

Sabre's eyes widen and look up at the combine Steve's eyes, "You mean this whole time you could-"

"Yes Sabre, but you acted so cute when I answered to that sign with a nod of a head." Ultra chuckle.

"Whatever, can you let me go now?"


"No, why do you think I did this in the first place?"

"I-I don't know" At this point Sabre became flustered.

"You know, I tried to hold myself back because I thought you would hate me"

"Do what?"

"This" Ultra put his lips on Sabre's and kiss him softly. Sabre was surprised, but it didn't take long before he kissed back. Sabre wrap his arms around Ultra's neck and Ultra put the hand on Sabre's cheek to the back of his head, deepening the kiss.

Soon enough Ultra broke the kiss knowing the smaller was running out of air. He hug Sabre and put his head on the other's shoulder, "Love you Sabre"

"I-I love you too Ultra" 


Word Count: 907

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