(17) PositiveLucas & NegativeSabre Part 2

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Decided to make this a two in one. You don't know how many times I almost put Nightmare instead of Negative. This should have been posted sooner, but I felt sick earlier. Also I put this here in book 1 instead of 2 because this is where part one lives.

Requested by JanaFedon


After Sabre's encounter with Negative, he quickly went to Lucas' world after telling Rainbow he needed to discuss with the blonde giving the Steve no time to ask questions. Sabre ran into Lucas' house to find him asleep on his bed.

"Lucas!" Sabre yelled and shook the blonde who jumped.

"Sabre?" Lucas ask tired.

"Did Positive do anything to you?" Sabre ask while checking Lucas.

"Positive?" That's when Lucas' blue eyes widen, "It wasn't dream"


Lucas shook his head and started to check Sabre, "Did Negative hurt you?"

It didn't take long until Lucas seen the bruises on Sabre's neck and wrists. He then notice how Sabre's bandanna was a little torn and looked as though it was put on in a hurry. All Lucas could feel was anger, Negative hurt his best friend and forcefully took off his bandanna without his permission.

"Sabre, what did Negative do to you?" Lucas asked in a low voice. He hated when his friends are hurt.

"Lu, it doesn't matter now. What matters is-" Sabre was interrupted when the heard thunder not too far from them. Being the curious humans they are, they went to investigate, but were very caution.

The thunder stop once they were out of Lucas' house and did not see anything out of the ordinary.

"Who do you think it was?" When Sabre got no response, he turned to see his friend held by Positive.

"Lu-" Sabre went to help the blonde, but he too was grabbed.

"Hello my gem" Negative whispered into Sabre's ear.

"Let us go!" Lucas yelled as he struggle in Positive's hold.

"Calm down my sweat Lu" Positive said as he gripped Lucas tighter causing to gasp.

The brothers gave each other with a knowing look then Negative teleport away with Sabre.





The two yelled for each other before Sabre disappeared with Negative and now Lucas was alone with Positive who nuzzled his head in Lucas' neck.

"You smell so sweet, I wonder what you taste like" Positive muttered loud enough for Lucas to hear and then started to lick up and down Lucas' neck causing him to shiver. 

"P-please don't" Lucas gasp when Positive grazed his teeth on his neck.

"I was kind of a mistake for Sabre to come here, my brother and I can be separated longer in the same world than in different worlds." Positive chuckled.

"What do you want from us?!" Whatever Positive want, Lucas just hopes he gets it over with so he can get to Sabre before Negative hurts him even more.

"Impatient are we? Well I'm going to ignore how fast you want this and take this slow" Positive chuckle and ran his hands up and down Lucas' body.

Positive nip Lucas' ear getting him to gasp, "And you're going to enjoy Every. Little. Thing"

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