Characters and their Human

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A small idea I had when Illusion took over Sabre's account. 
Also finally chapter of this book, I am not opening this again like I did before. Thank you for all the support for this oneshot book, over 200 requests were made (figuring this has 100, Book 2 has over 80 and I have about 20 written down) this is truely amazing, thank you once again.


"You're going to regret this Illusion!" 

Was the last thing Illusion said before he disconnected form the game. The Steve just laughed at the human's words, he was going to be free while Sabre is stuck in the world he made. Curiousity took over him when he seen the different features and anger when he seen how powerful Sabre truely was. Sabre could have been on the same power level as him or even stronger. The more Illusion spent in the title screen, the more he started to fall apart to the point he went back to his world; however, he was teleport to a black place and not the Rainbow Town he created.

"Where am I?"

"You're with us"

Illusion turned to see five people: a child, a guy wearing a red/yellow suit, a guy in a suit, one wearing a white hood that covered his face and finally -

"Sabre?!" Illusion shouted. He thought he left Sabre in his world, "How are you here?!"

"Flash" Sabre said.

The guy in the red/yellow suit, Flash, flashed over to Illusion then dragged him over to the other four and pushed him onto the ground.

"What was that f-" Illusion was cut off when he seen a sword pointed at by the guy wearing the hood.

"To answer your questions, I am Sabre; however, I'm not exactly the Sabre you know" Sabre explained confusing the Steve even more.

"The one your refering to is our human." The one in the suit started to explain seeing the confused expression, "This Sabre is just a character and the face you see, but our human is the one you speak to and does the actions. This Sabre sits in the back while our human takes control. The same goes for all of us. Does that make sense?"

"Uh, somewhat, but if that's Sabre, who are all of you

"We are all Sabre, but from different universes" The child answered, "But to not get us confused, you can call me Daycare.


"FNAF" The guy in the suit said.

"You can call me Sabre as usual and this quiet guy is Assassain" Sabre said, "Now, you're here because you stole something from our human"

"Who is this human you continue to speak of? I thought you were-"

"Not me idiot!" Sabre shouted then pointed next to him, "Him!"

A screen appeared of a human showed up, panicking 

"That is the real world, that is a human. The one who created all of us, he goes by Sabre, but his real name is Elan" FNAF stated.

"He's the one in control, he makes all the decisions for us" Daycare added.

"He gave us a personality and a story" Flash continued.

"And if it was up to him, you wouldn't exist" Sabre growled.

The screen turned off.

"We aren't violent people because of him, because of Elan" Daycare shouted, "But meanies like you makes me want to be violent!"

"So what is the meaning for all of you being me here?" Illusion asked wanting to get back on track, "Also who is Elan?"

"He is us, he is the human while we are the characters he made" Assassain spoke for the first time and he spoke calmer than the rest who were growling and glaring at Illusion, "They wanted you to give Elan back control as the other characters with resent you as our player"

"O-Others?" Illusion asked in surprise.

"Yes, we are just the main. The rest wait for Elan to play them or for him to be away so they can come out" Daycare said.

"Don't you ever want to get out of here instead of being controlled?" Illusion asked getting a punch by FNAF.

"No! we owe Elan everything as we would be nothing without him but blank slates." FNAF growled. Assassain pushed FNAF with his unused hand knowing once he starts, it's hard to stop him. 

"We're asking you to return control to Elan and allow Sabre do as he was created to do." Flash said grabbing FNAF for Assassain.

Illusion look at all the different versions of Sabre and felt he was no match for any of them, especially, Daycare and Assassain for some odd reason.

"Fine, but I was going back anyways"

"I know" Assassain said putting away his sword, "but when you deal with children who don't wait, things tend to get misinterpeted"

"Hey!" FNAF, Flash and Sabre shouted.

Daycare giggled as he was physically a child so it didn't count.

"Why are you different?"

Assassain didn't speak.

"We are a reflection of Elan's personality, Assassain getting a darker portion of it" Flash signed and glanced at Assassain.

"Never knew Sa- I mean Elan was something else but happiness" Illusion said surprised.

"Yeah" Sabre said, "Come on, I'll guide you back and you better give Elan control again or else you'll met the rest and they are not as kind"

Sabre grabbed Illusion and started to pull him somewhere with Assassain following him just in case. Daycare stayed behind with Flash to help calm FNAF who was struggling to get out of the hero's hold. Illusion glanced between Sabre and Assassain as he was guided somewhere.

"Will S-, uh, Elan know about this?"

"No, and you're not going to tell him either" Sabre growled then pushed Illusion to a door, "You'll be sent back, but don't you dare say a word about this to me or else I'll have Assassain deal with you"

"I thought you couldn't hurt anyone" 

"Like we said, Assassain is different, his code allows him to hurt and even kill when necessary."

"Sabre, stop" Assassain spoke up, "I do not hurt if I can avoid it. Now go back so we can go back"

With one last look at the two, Illusion stepped through the door.

"Remember Illusion, don't tell anyone, no human should know of their character's life" Sabre reminded.

"I won't" With that, Illusion was back where he was after he took control of Sabre's (Elan's) account.

FNAF = Flight or Fight
Daycare = Childness
Assassain = Haunted
Flash = Courage
Sabre = Creativity

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