(52) TimeSabre Part 4

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Requested by Ender_Eclipse and inksanslove229

I didn't know this would go so far and now it's not a ship anymore. This happened when I too conflicted to have Sabre and Time love each other. Time is my little cinnamon roll and Sabre is my innocent boy along with Lucas. Sorry if this is bad, I just wanted to have some humor, but it all fell down.


Rainbow stared at Time waiting for him to answer his question. Time only gave him an confused expression since he had not idea what he just said.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, who do you think is your other brother and your sister?"

"Is Rainbow afraid that he's thought as a girl?" Elemental chuckled.

"N-No! I just want to know" Rainbow blushed in embarrassment.

Light just facepalmed and signed, "It's obvious Rainbow"

"I'm not a girl!" Rainbow screamed out making everyone, except Light, jump at his sudden outburst.

"Um, I'm just going to finish making breakfast" Sabre said excusing himself from the group and went into the kitchen followed by Lucas.

"Aren't you guys curious?" Elemental asked knowing that the humans are curious by nature.

Sabre and Lucas look at each other before Lucas answered, "We already know who it is so we'll leave all of you to deal with it."

"You're a baka" Light groaned.

"Why did you call me a cow?" Rainbow whined

"He meant baka as in idiot" Lucas corrected before he went back into the kitchen.

(Spanish: Baka=Cow, Japanese: Baka=Idiot)

"Oh, that's just rude" Rainbow pouted and Light facepalmed.

"But Light is big sister" Time finally said.

"Wait a minute, Light why are you calling yourself a girl? And Time why do you think Light is a girl?" Elemental asked surprised yet confused. He knows Light can be a bit feminine at times, but he thought Rainbow would be more of a girl than him.

Having enough, Light yelled out in equally frustrated and embarrassed "Dark!"

"I hear you"

A Steve then suddenly appeared next to Light surprising everyone, except Light, again.

"D-Dark!" Rainbow yelled in surprised.

"Hey there Rainbow, long time no see" Dark smirk then looked at Elemental and Time, "Haven't seen nether of you before, I'm Dark"

"Hi, I'm Time", The young Steve introduce introduced then pointed to his brother, "and this is my brother Elemental"

"Nice, so Light what do you need?" Dark asked his brother with a teasing grin.

Light rolled his eyes and crossed his arms telling Dark what he needed to do.

"Got it" Dark said then look at the other Steves, "So, yeah, Light is technically a girl. Now before any of you say anything, Light and I are complete opposites with little things in common. The reason Light is a guy is because, well, we are all Steves." Dark explained.

"So, if Light wasn't a Steve then he would be a her?" Rainbow concluded.

"Yep" Dark said popping the 'p'.

"Oh I get it" Elemental chuckled, "Is that why you call Light your sister Time?"

"No", Time shook his head, "Light is like mom: nice, sweet, and a very likable person"

Light put a hand over his heart, "Awe, thanks Time"

"Anything for you big sis" Time grinned and hugged the white Steve who gladly hugged him back.

"This is cute, now if you excuse me, I have to meet with Nightmare. He said he had something he wanted to tell me" Dark said, but before he could teleport away, Sabre came out with a bag.

"Here Dark, Nightmare said you would like these so I made some"

A small blushed appeared on Dark's cheeks along with a small smile, "Thank you Sabre"

With that he teleport away.

"He's really oblivious" Light signed.

"I thought you were the oblivious one" Rainbow spoke up.

"I'm the shy one Rainbow, he's the oblivious one. We have to keep our innocent aura some how" Light answered walking into the kitchen for some food.

Rainbow, who is beyond confused, followed Light and hugged Sabre for comfort as his thoughts were everywhere.

"Hey big bro?"

"Yes little one?"

"When will you get a boy/girlfriend?"


Word count: 667

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