(71) ReverseLucas Part 2

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Requested by MelissaC2000

Thank you for the suggestions for Reverse Lucas' personality. Still in the Reverse Dimension and I do not know if what I say about cats are true, never had one.


A few days past since the whole 'Lucas not eating and Reverse not knowing how long he was away' incident and Lucas had turn back to his normal bubble self. As for Reverse, he kept a very watchful eye on the blue-eyed human and wouldn't leave his side for hours on end. Of course, Lucas never notice since he was oblivious to it, he just thought Reverse wanted to spend more time with him.

Currently, Lucas was playing with the llama and cats (like the horse and chickens in the regular world) Reverse Town while Reverse watch him from on top of the pin.

"Reverse! Reverse! Look!" Lucas said excitedly as he showed the colorful Steve a small kitten, "Isn't he cute?!"

"It is Lu Lu" Reverse smiled as Lucas went back to playing.

Reverse was glad that his little Lucas was back to his normal self and the guilt of leaving him started to slowly fade away. Unaware of it, the Steve started to doze off when he heard a yelp and a cat hissing. 

"Lucas?" Reverse asked jumping down from the pin and was met Lucas with four claw marks dripping with blood on his cheek.

"What happened?!" Reverse asked worried and examined the blonde's face to see the extent of the injury.

"I-I was pl-playing with the kitten and I-it scratch me" Lucas stuttered. He was just playing with it when it hissed then scratched him for no reason.

Picking Lucas up quickly, Reverse teleport into the Reverse house, forgetting that the human wasn't use to teleporting, especially when he wasn't prepared. They teleport in the bathroom where Reverse set a groaning Lucas down on top of the sink counter.

"Rev, I don't feel good" Lucas groaned.

"Sorry Lu, I didn't warn you about teleporting" Reverse said apologetic and got the first aid, "Okay, this might sting a bit"

In a way, teleporting Lucas unexpectedly was a good thing since he wasn't focus on what Reverse was doing. Unfortunately, he had a sicken feeling.

"Not feeling well" Reverse stated seeing the distance in Lucas' eyes.

The blonde nodded, he then put his head on Reverse's shoulder.

"Why did kitty scratch me?"

 Reverse moved his hand up and down Lucas' back to sooth him and answered, "Did you do anything to provoke it?"

"No, I was petting another kitty then the one that scratch me started to hiss and stuff." Lucas mumbled, "Rev, I don't feel good"

"Come on, let's get you to bed" Reverse said.

With the help of the Steve, Lucas wrap his arms and legs around Reverse who picked him up off the counter. This is usally what happens when Lucas is teleport elsewhere somewhere so quickly. Soon they arived at the door of Lucas' room before Reverse opened it, Lucas whispered.

"Please don't judge" 

 "I never do" Reverse said before he open the door.

Inside the blonde's room, there were several stuff toys sitting/laying neatly around the room. Lucas likes to find stuff toys and then fix them. Reverse found it cute that Lucas likes to do that. The Steve placed Lucas on his bed and covered him with the red/white blanket. He then went to leave so the blonde could rest only to be stopped when he felt Lucas grab pull on his sleeve.

"Can you lay with me? Please" Lucas begged.

It was hard to say no to those baby blue eyes and how small Lucas looks right now. Reverse really wanted Lucas to rest so knows what he has to do. The Steve laid next to Lucas and put an arm around him.

"You better get some sleep Lu or else the effects will longer" Reverse advise.

"I will, thank you Rev" Lucas snuggled into the Steve and let out a content sign.

Reverse smiled at Lucas' sleeping form, he knows why the blonde want him to lay with him besides the obvious reason. Since the colorful Steve spent so much time with Lucas, he found that the blonde very rarely has alternative motives. This time it was to prevent Reverse to hurt the cat that hurt him. 















And that is why Reverse fell in love with his cute and sly, blonde human.


Word count: 732

Requests remining: 12

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