God09 Part 2

429 7 14

Remember GS is God of all Steves

Requested by inksanslove229Mightymiss


Ever since GS 'adopted' Shark, they have been spending more time together. Since then, the voids in their hearts have been filled. Shark gained the fatherly figure he always wanted, while GS had someone to care for. As of now the duo were have a peaceful time fishing at a lake near Shark's home, a little father-son bonding as one would say. They had a little competition going on: who can fish up the most valuable loot with a level three luck of a sea rod. If Shark wins then GS gives him Steve powers for the rest of the day. If GS wins then Shark has to make him his delicious chocolate pie. If the Steve could, he would marry that chocolate pie as it was one of the best things that could happen to him.

Shark was winning by a flame one, power two bow and they only had a minute left before a winner is decided.

"Looks like I'm going to win again dad" Shark smirk. Lately he's been calling GS dad more and more.

"Well, this could be the one Sharky" GS smirk back.

Just as the powerful Steve was reeling in catch, there was an explosion close by. Both human and Steve stood up quickly to see what the cause was. A few yards away were two familiar Steves glaring at each other.

"How dare you ruin my plan!" Boss shouted in anger.

"Your plan?! It was my plan!" Rainbow growled and shot out a fireball towards the other Steve.

"Look out!"

It happened all too fast, GS should have seen it coming, but apparently Shark memorized the position Rainbow goes into before he attacks. He had no clue what was happening when it was too late. GS was the first to move as he ran to make sure that his son was okay because Notch know if anything happens to his young one. All of his thoughts were about his failures: he failed as a guardian, as a friend and as a father.

Rainbow didn't know what was happening until it happened: he and Boss got into an argument, started getting physical, and the next thing he knew was Shark getting hit by an attack that was meant for Boss. He had screamed out the human's name and ran towards were his enemy and friend laid surrounded by fire and dirt.

Boss watch as the fireball came towards him and prepared for the hit. Instead of feeling it all over, he felt it from the side. Only getting a glance of blue as he fell to the ground, Boss knew who it was and he didn't need to hear two people screaming the same name. He pushed himself up to see a crying GS holding an unconscious and very injured Shark.

"I-Is he-?" Boss was afraid to finish his question.

"H-He's fine" GS said unsteady and pulled Shark closer to his chest.

Boss look over Rainbow to see that he was having a panic attack. Getting up, the Steve wen to comfort his enemy.

"It's my fault, it's my fault" Rainbow repeated, barely taking a pause in between.

"Rainbow" Boss grabbed him by the shoulders, "You have to breath, Shark will be fine, but you need to snap out of it"

Instead of snapping out, Rainbow passed out from lack of air and, thankfully, Boss caught him.

"Boss, we need to get them somewhere" GS said as he stood up with Shark in his arms.

"Teleporting is out of the question so Shark's home is the best bet." Boss said and the two were off.

The older Steves ran as fast as they could to Shark's home where they laid Rainbow on a bed until he wakes up and started to treat Shark's wounds. GS was angry at both Boss and Rainbow, especially Rainbow, but he set everything aside to focus on his son who was now covered in blood soaken bandages. An hour later, Rainbow woke up and Boss took him home, leaving GS with Shark. Boss said he wanted to leave GS and Shark alone for now and that they will be back for their lecture.

GS was sitting beside Shark's bed, glancing between him and the book he was reading, mostly on Shark. The young human was would be fine physically; however, him having a concussion worried the older Steve the most.

A few minutes later, Shark let out a groan getting GS' attention.

"Shark?" GS said hopful.

The said human opened his eyes and look over to GS.

"How are you doing son? Does anything hurt?"

"I'm fine"

GS smiled after letting out a sign, his son was fine as of now. Everything was right in the world. Now it was time to lecture and, probably restrain himself, from killing two multi-colored Steves.


Word count: 819

Requests remaining: 21

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