Elemental and Time Part 3

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Requested by Ender_Eclipse

I've been working my new music video lately and I already have ideas for the next 3, yes all Steve Saga.  


'Big brother! Help me!'

'Let him go, hurt me all you want but don't hurt him!'

'He's mine Elemental, he's all mine'

'Big brother!'


'You lost Steve'

Elemental gasped for air when woke up from his nightmare; Mark had taken Time from him, he touched his little one making him cry. As much as his little one cried, Elemental couldn't do anything to save him from that entity. Out of habit, the Steve started to yank his black hair out of sadness, anger and frustration; it was a bad habit, but it was better than what he had done before. Time was the only person in the whole entire world who means anything to him and the one person Elemental would do anything for. 

"Big brother?"

Elemental look up to see Time in his pajamas in front of the door leading to his bedroom with his bear in his arm.

"Little one? What are you doing up so late?" Elemental asked.

"I heard noises and got worried" Time's room was down the hall from his.

Mentally cursing himself, Elemental gave Time an apologetic look, "I'm sorry, I had a nightmare nothing to worry about"

Time frowned and walk over to Elemental's bed then crawled in the side unoccupied.


"I don't want to be alone and I know you don't want me to be either" Time said clutching his bear close to his chest.

Elemental remembers that bear from anywhere (that rhymed) as he was the one who gave it to the younger Steve on his birthday, months before the incident. In all honesty, the older Steve was surprised that it was still in good condition after all these years or that Time even kept it. 

 "Time, I'm so sorry about all of this" Elemental started, "If I hadn't forced mark Sabre then none of this would have happened.

Now you might be thinking why won't Time use his powers? Time has the ability to go forward and backwards in time; however, the more he does it, the more it wears him out and there is a chance that he won't be the same person anymore. Elemental knows the consequences and did everything to avoid Time using his powers. The only power Time was ever allowed to use was to freeze time.

"It's alright big brother, that's all in the past" Time smiled trying to ease Elemental a bit.

Elemental smiled softly at the younger Steve, his gaze then landed on the bear that Time held onto, "You still have that don't you"

"Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?" Time tilted his head in confusion.

"I thought you would have got rid of it after everything" Elemental signed.

Time shook his head, "Why would I do that? You gave it to me and it keeps me company when you're not around"

"Some days I wonder how you stay such an innocent child" Elemental chuckled and run a hand through Time's black hair. It was always a mystery on how Time is still the way he is, but Elemental guessed it was because Time never used his full power which might have prevented him from aging like everyone else.

"Would you rather I be something else?" Time ask.

"In Notch's name no, I want you to be my little one forever" Elemental chuckled and pulled Time into a hug, "But I do want to know, what happened to you when you were helping Dark and Rainbow? You were not yourself."

"I don't know either, I guess I got angry or something. I don't really remember what happened before I helped them, it's cloudy" Time said honestly. It wasn't often Time would blink out, but when he does, he becomes a different person until the conflict or something is resolved in him.

Nether of the brothers said anything else as they didn't know what else to say. They could talk about what happened after the separated, but Elemental does not want to recall those memories.

"Hey big brother?" Time finally spoke up.

"Yes little one"

"Why do you call me 'little one'? I never understood why you and our guardians called me that" 

Elemental didn't say anything because he doesn't know the full answer. He called Time little one since their guardians did and thought it was because he was the youngest of the four, but he later learned it was something more. 

"I do not know the full reason, but originally I called you little one because you were the youngest of the four of us. It was later one when I over heard parts of our guardians conversation when I realized there was another reason" Elemental explained.

"What was the reason?"

"From what I remember and understand, they called you little one because it was for a safety reason. They only called you and told me to call you little one when no one else was around." Elemental said.

"Safety reason? What does that *yawn* mean?"

"I think you should pick this up tomorrow when you are more awake" 

"But I'm not *yawn* tired" Time said sleepy.

"Of course" Elemental pulled the covers over them and once Time got comfortable, he fell straight asleep.

"You may not realize it" Elemental whispered pulling Time close to his chest, "But you know how chase the darkness away" 


Word count: 900

Requests remaining: 9

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