(39) ReverseSabre

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Reverse Steve x FavremySabre

Technically it's Reverse Steve x Reverse FavremySabre since I set it in the Reverse world. 

Requested by Sworflame12


It was late at night, yet Sabre was wide awake in the living room waiting for Reverse to come back from his traveling. 

Reverse often went out to fight other Steves to show them who was the strongest Steve in the world. Though allowed him to show off his power, this also meant he had to leave Sabre alone a lot, something he wasn't happy about. Usually Reverse got home in a day or two, but this time he went to fight Dream (Reverse Nightmare) and with them being equal in power, it was taking Reverse longer to get back home where his little human was.

Sabre was really worried about Reverse's fight with Dream, but the rumbling from the storm distracted him from those worries. Sabre had wrapped himself in a blanket to keep himself warm and make him feel safe; he never was the one for storms. Instead of watching TV, the human was watching the clock hoping to fall asleep soon, but a loud crash of lightning jolted him awake when he was close or if he found a moment of peace. 

Whenever there was a storm, Reverse would lay with him so he could fall asleep, but tonight he wasn't so Sabre had to suffer through this. 


Sabre jumped and covered himself with the blanket hiding himself. He hates this, he hates storms so much.


Sabre whimpered and covered his ears, he wants Reverse to come home.


"Reverse" Sabre whimpered as tears fell down his face, "Please, I-I can't"



Reverse's POV

Both Reverse and Dream were panting from their battle, both were tired and covered in brusies and scratches.

"Stop this Reverse, we're evenly match" Dream panted.

"No! I won't not until I'm the strongest Steve in the world!" Reverse growled. He grabbed his sword knowing that he was too weak to summon anything.

"Oh? Then what?! What is the point in you getting stronger?! You have no one-"

"Shut up!" Reverse growled. There was a reason he was doing, there was one reason he was doing all of this.

Before Reverse could land a blow on Dream, a crash of lightning flashed across the sky getting both attention. Reverse's eyes widened and stepped away from Dream who look at him confused.

"A-Are you afriad of lightning?" Dream asked.

Reverse shook his head, "No I'm not, but he is"

Before Dream could ask, Reverse teleport away leaving an serously confused Steve.


Reverse teleport outside of his house feeling extremely drained of energy, but he could careless about that. He slamed opened the door to see his little human shaking under a blanket and heard him whimpering. There was another crash of lightning causing the human to let out a cry in fear. Quickly Reverse ran over, sat down on the couch and pulled the blanket covered Sabre onto his lap.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm here now, nothing will hurt you" Reverse said rocking the scared human to sooth him.

"R-Reverse?" Sabre looked up to the Steve making the blanket to fall off of his head.

Reverse's heart clench seeing his human's bloodshot grey eyes and tear stained cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, I should have come home sooner. I'm so sorry Sabre" Reverse said guilty. He hates seeing Sabre cry.

"I-It's okay" Sabre smiled, "You're here now and that's all it matters"

"I swear, you're too precious for this world" Reverse signed.

Sabre giggled, but yelped when there was another crash of lightning. Reverse pulled Sabre closer and tried to get the human to calm down.

"It's getting worse" Reverse mumbled seeing the sky through a window.

"I'm sorry" Sabre suddenly said.

"What?" Reverse looked down at his human.

"I'm sorry for being a scardy ocelot. If I wasn't so afraid then you wouldn't have to worry whenever there is a storm and ending-"

"Stop" Reverse demanded, "Regardless if you're afraid or not, I'll always be worried Sabre. You're the only thing that matters in this world to me."

Sabre blushed at Reverse words and averted his gaze away from the Steve.

"And Sabre" Reverse said getting the human to look up at him once again, "a storm gives me a reason to rush home and lay with you."


"Hush Sabre, go to sleep, we both know you have a habit of staying awake when I'm gone" Reverse layed down on the couch with Sabre on top of him.

Sabre was about to argue, but the sound of Reverse's heartbeat started to lullaby him to sleep.

"Goodnight my little human" Reverse said in Sabre's hair and drifted off to sleep.


Word count: 800

Requests remaining: 5

This was one of my favorites to be all honest

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