(27) LightSabre Part 2

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Requested by GalaxyChan6 & Olisteve


Light woke feeling refreshed, that was the best sleep he ever had in a long time. He felt arms around his waist and look up at the sleeping face - well from what he can tell with the bandanna on - of Sabre who was snoring softly. Memories of yesterday filled Light head as his face got brighter and brighter; he still couldn't believe he said that.

'I hope he didn't hear that; it's so embarrassing' Light did like Sabre, but he didn't want to be rejected.

Light's thoughts were interrupted when he heard Sabre groan and was pulled closer to Sabre's chest. The blush on Light's face increased; as much as he was embarrassed, he didn't want to leave the warmth that Sabre gave off.

Sabre let out a yawn before opening his eyes, then he felt someone in his arms. He look down to see Light's silver eyes looking up at him. Just like Light, Sabre's face was flushed with red.

"Oh um" Sabre let go of Light who instantly missed the warmth, "S-sorry about that"

Sabre sat up with Light following suit, "I-it's alright, I liked it"


"You're really really warm and I felt safe for the first time in a while" Light confessed. He look down to avert Sabre's eyes.

"Oh" Sabre was speechless for the first time in a while.

"C-can I?" Light ask pointing at Sabre who didn't understand for a moment until he realized that Light wanted another hug and open his arms.

Light crawl over to Sabre and sat in his lap wrapping his arms around Sabre's neck. Sabre was taken aback by how fast Light moved before he hug Light back.

"You're so warm" Light smiled. He loves Sabre's warmth, he loves the way he felt safe in his arms, he loves how he smells like the forest, he loves how soft his light brown. That's when Light realized something: he loves Sabre.


"Yes Light?" 

"Why do you cover your eyes?" Light felt Sabre tense up, "You don't have to-"

"Nothing against you Light, I had worn this for years; it makes me feel safe in a way" Sabre responded. It wasn't the really reason why he wears it, but it is one of the reasons.

"C-can I see them?" Sabre was silent for a moment as Light waited for his answer. Eventually Sabre nodded and gave Light a small smile.

Carefully, Light undid the bandanna and took it off to reveal bright grey eyes. Light couldn't help but to gasp.

"They're so pretty"

"T-thanks" Sabre stuttered. Light continued to stare into Sabre's eyes as though he was in a trance; they are truly beautiful. On the other hand, Sabre stared into Light's silver eyes, they were like his, but a bit darker. Nether knew that they were leaning in until their lips were touching. They didn't pull apart, instead they started to kiss.

Light tangled his fingers in Sabre's hair as Sabre pulled him closer. They soon broke apart to get some air, but stayed close together.

'S-sabre, I-I think I l-love you" Light confessed, "I love the warmth you have, the safe aura you have, your soft hair and I love you're eyes."

Again Sabre was speechless at the Steve's words so he pulled Light into another kiss which Light gladly accepted and wrap his legs around Sabre's waist.

"I love you Light" Sabre breathed when they broke apart.

"I don't think, I know I love you Sabre"


Word Count: 590 

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