InfiniteSabre Part 2

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If you haven't checked it out, Part 5 of Brothers has been published in 'Stories' as well as future parts.

Requested by TheDiamondLu


Sabre was shaking as he was building the machine that Infinity basically forced him make to increase his powers. Yes he could tamper the machine so it would trap the Steve, but Sabre does not know his full strength so there was a possibility that Infinity could break free. Besides, he's not going to try it with his friends lives being threaten. As for Infinity, he was watching Sabre work, and couldn't help but to smirk now that he has the one who fought the strongest of Steves working for him.  

"Isn't this wonderful?" Infinity spoke breaking the silence, "The one who fought some of the strongest Steves, is now working for me"

Sabre glared at Infinity, not that the Steve noticed, and growled, "I'm only doing this because you're threatening my friends"

Infinity walk over to Sabre who stood his ground still glaring at him.

"Oh, but anyone could have done that Sabre, yet you weren't afraid" Infinity put a hand on the side of Sabre's face, "But why don't you fear me?"

"Because I don't know what you're capable of doing. Its the unknow I fear, not you or any other Steve" Sabre said in a steady voice. It was taking everything he had not to slap Infinity's had away.

"So, the less you know about me, the better" Infinity chuckled.

"I will learn about you one way or another and find your weakness then find a way to defeat you in the end"

"But you won't because once I find out, you can say goodbye to that other human and colorful Steve. Face it Sabre, you lost this round"

"And yet I have yet to admit defeat" Sabre counter, "A few minutes is what I need"

Infinity still had a amused smiled and moved his hair from Sabre's cheek to his hair and pulled on it hard making Sabre wince.

"No wonder so many Steves love to fight you: you humans are stubborn and when in a helpless position, it's absolutely a sight to see. Though I wonder what it looks like when you beg"

Sabre grit his teeth from the pain of his hair being pulled, "Well I'm sorry, but you're not going to see that anytime soon"

"You might be right, for now I will be satisfied with what I have." Infinity let go of Sabre's hair and somewhat fixed, "There, all fixed."

Sabre rolled his eyes and went back working on the machine, it was better than talking to Infinity. Before he take a step, an arm wrap his waist and pulled into a strong chest. He could feel the warmth of Infinity's breath tickling his ear.

"I do believe it's getting late"

"Y-Yeah, s-so what?" Sabre mentally cursed himself for stuttering.

"That means it's time to go to bed" Infinity said moving his head down to Sabre's neck getting a shiver out of him, "Remember the second part of our deal Sabre, you're mine"

"I remember" Sabre clench his fists, "But that doesn't mean I won't fight"

"Keep telling yourself that, I can forcefully make you submit to me"

Sabre's eyes widen, "H-How?"

"I'm one of the oldest Steves, and I know certain knowledge has been lost through out history, but I can give you a forceful mark. I believe you know what that is and what it can do, right?"

Infinity felt Sabre shaking and smirk, he won.

"Now, let's go to bed" The Steve said knowing that Sabre was too afraid to say anything.

Hooking a hand under Sabre's knees and one on his back, Infinity effortlessly picked him up bridal style. Sabre clutch onto Infinity's shirt out of fear. Anyone who spent time with Sabre, knows that he was not in the right mindset at all.

"Do as I say, your friends live; don't fight, you'll be safe" Were the last words Sabre heard before darkness consumed him.


Word count: 673

Requests remaining: 12

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