InfinityBow Part 2

444 8 3

Requested by JanaFedon

This has a side of PositiveLucas and NegativeSabre. 


When Rainbow woke up, he noticed two other bodies next to him and heard three voices in the same room. Pecking over to the three people, Rainbow saw it was Infinity and his two counter parts and instantly paled. The colorful Steve thought how he and his friends ended up like this, and when he finally did, a blush dusted his face. Rainbow remembered what Infinity had done to him and that he was now his. 

"Mmm where are we?" Rainbow heard Lucas ask.

Pretending to wake up along with Sabre and Lucas, Rainbow realized that they were in the humans shared room with their beds pushed together. Lucas and him were on both sides of Sabre and they had wrap each other up. The three red/yellow Steves look at their newly mark mates and walk over.

"How do all of you feel?" Positive asked kissing the top of Lucas' head.

"Sick" Lucas groaned curling himself up in a ball.

Positive gathered the blonde in his arms, "We'll be in the bathroom if you need us"

"Call if you need anything" Infinity called out. He picked up Rainbow, sat on the bed then put the smaller Steve on his lap.

"How are you doing Sabre?" Negative asked.

Sabre didn't say anything as he cling onto Negative like a kola.

Negative signed, pick up the brunette and walk out of the room after telling Infinity he'll be back.

"How do you feel little Steve?" Infinity asked.

"I'm fine, but what's wrong with Sabre and Lucas?" Rainbow asked worried.

"Side affects of marking" Infinity said nuzzling his head in Rainbow's neck, "Lucas will be sick for while Sabre will be really clingy for the rest of the day and some of tomorrow."

"Why don't I feel anything?"

"They were marked much earlier than you, you'll feel the effects soon enough" Infinity said then nibbled on the mark he made.

"I-Infinity" Rainbow groaned.

The red/yellow Steve turned Rainbow around so that the smaller was straddling his lap. Infinity took a good look at Rainbow's flustered face and thought how adorable his mate look at this point. 

"You're so cute little Steve"

"D-Don't call me th-that" Rainbow stuttered as he shuffled nervously on Infinity's lap

"Why not?" Infinity smirk and grabbed Rainbow's hips to hold him in place, "It's a cute nickname for a Steve as cute as you~"

Putting one hand behind Rainbow's neck, Infinity pulled him into a deep kiss that the colorful Steve returned back. As they kissed, Rainbow felt something inside of him that made him feel weird. When they pulled away, Infinity was surprised when he felt Rainbow softly nibble on his neck.


The colorful Steve didn't say anything, he only pulled away to look straight into Infinity's eyes and that's when the stronger Steve knew what was wrong with Rainbow. The side effects of the mark had finally kicked in and Infinity knows exactly what to do. Taking off his and Rainbow's shirt, Infinity tilted his neck so Rainbow had more access to it; however, before Rainbow could do anything, Infinity said,

"Don't forget who's in control little Steve"

Rainbow whimper a bit and nodded then went back to what he was doing earlier, enjoying the new feeling. As Infinity did for him, Rainbow found a spot that got the most out of him and lightly bit it, leaving his own small mark.

"Do you want me to take over?" Infinity asked when he felt Rainbow stop. Feel a nod in head movement, Infinity flipped them and started to kiss Rainbow once again, but this time he didn't let up.

Rainbow did his best to keep up and dug his nails into his mate's back when it was getting hard for him. When Infinity did release him, the taller Steve went to Rainbow's torso and started to leave marks everywhere. Infinity made sure to clam every visible part of Rainbow as his knowing that's what the side effects wants him to do. As for Rainbow, he was enjoying every moment, only to tense when Infinity got lower, but relaxed when he came back up. Rainbow made sounds that he never knew he could and that only drove Infinity to continue.

Almost an hour later, Infinity stopped so both could catch their breath.  

"Wh-What was that?" Rainbow panted as the feeling from before went away.

"That little Steve, is the side effect I was talking about" Infinity answered, "Didn't expect you to be the one who would be an attention seeker"


"It's okay little Steve, that's not the worst side effect I ever seen. Trust me" Infinity said shivering at that thought.

"What know?" Rainbow asked trying to sit up only to flinch.

"I would say round two, but I guess a break is needed" Infinity said. He pulled Rainbow closed and kissed the top of his head, "Let's stay like this"

"Alright" Rainbow replied before drifting off to sleep 

Think that Rainbow was fast asleep, Infinity whispered,

"I love you Rainbow, I love you so much"
















"I love you too Infinity"


Word count: 830

Requests remaining: 10

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