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Faceless x Ghost Steve

Requested by VanaTheDevilishAngel


For as long as Ghost can remember, he's been alone in the catacombs wondering the halls countless times to the point he memorized where each hall leads. One day, Ghost found himself in a hallway he doesn't recognize. Against his own judgement, Ghost wondered the new halls unknowing of someone watching him as he neared him. Eventually the halls lead the Steve to a dark oak door. Ghost felt uneasy as he stood in front of the door, something didn't feel right to him so he turned around to get as far away from the door, but once he turn the opposite direction Ghost found that his way out was block. The first thing the Steve learned about the catacombs is sometimes you can not break blocks, there's no pattern to it. 

"Why of all times?" Ghost groaned trying to break the blocks, he doesn't real want to go through the door, he never seen it before and what could be behind it could be anything.

Minutes later, Ghost gave up on going back to where he came from so he had no choice but to go forward through the creepy looking door. Swollowing his fear, Ghost slowly open the door only to see stairs leading down to what looks like a hallway that seems to lead to nowhere. His legs shook as he walk down the stairs, unfortuanetly for Ghost was that third to last step was chipped so when moved his foot forward, he went tumbling down the stairs, twisting his ankle along the way. Ghost let out a groan after he feel on the ground, but let out a chock sob when he moved. His hands and knees were badly scrapped and his ankle hurt when he tried to move it. To make matters worse, footsteps could be heard walking towards him.

Tears feel down Ghost face from the pain and from the fear he felt for what's coming towards him. Ghost saw someone's feet appear from the darkness and shook even more. Soon the Steve felt the presence of someone in front of him then the person's hands on him.

"Don't cry" He whispered.

The next thing Ghost knew was him being gently picked up and place in someone's lap then arms wrap portectively around him.

"It's okay, don't cry" He whispered comforting the hurt Steve.

"W-Who a-are y-ou?" Ghost hiccupped. He tried to pull away to see the person since his head was in their chest, but the person held his head  so he couldn't move. 

"It doesn't make. Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"M-My hands, knees, a-and a-ankle" Ghost stuttered not crying as much.

Ghost felt the person moved his arm under his knees as the one on the back of his head stayed. The person got up with little problem and carried Ghost off to the dark hallway.

"Are you uncomfortable Ghost?"

"H-How do y-you know m-my name?"

"I know a lot of things, now answer my question"

"I-I'm fine. C-Can you tell me w-who you are?"


"Can I s-see what you l-look like?"


"Why n-not?"

"You would be more scared than you are now if you see me"

"I d-don't understand. A-Aren't you a-a S-Steve?"

The person did not say anything he entered a room with items scarttered everywhere. He layed Ghost on a table so he could address the Steve's wounds. Before he did, the person covered Ghost's eyes and grabbed a cloth.

"I'm going to remove my hand, keep your eyes closed"

"I-If I do, th-then can you t-tell me your n-name?"

The person signed, telling Ghost his name is better than him seeing his- him. He removed his hand to see Ghost's eyes closed and wrap the cloth around his eyes. He then got supplies for the Steve's injuries.

"My name is Faceless" He said after some time.

"Faceless? That's an odd name" Ghost said hissed when Faceless rubbed disinfect on his wounds.

"I didn't get it by choice" Faceless muttered.

"Why won't you let me see you?" Ghost said tilting his head to the side.

As much as he wanted to see those pretty silver eyes looking stright at him, seeing his reflection in those orbs, the light within them shining, Faceless didn't want Ghost to see him just yet.

When Faceless didn't respond, Ghost figured he was done talking and remained quiet the whole time. It was when Faceless said he was done was when Ghost talked.

"I'm sorry if I pushed too much" Ghost said sitting up on the table with the cloth still over his eyes.

"No need to explain" Faceless said walking to Ghost until he was right in front of him and put his hand over the Steve's, "You were just curious, I understand that"

"Can I ask you something?"

"You just did, but sure"

"What are you doing here in the catacombs? I've been here for years and I never see anyone down here"

Faceless started to play with Ghost fingers, not the Steve minded, "I was trapped here, others thought I was too dangerous and put me here to rot"

"Why would they think you're dangerous?"

"You said one question" Faceless chuckled.

Ghost blushed from embarressment and muttered a sorry.

"It's okay Ghost, no need to be embarressed" Faceless smiled running a hand through the Steve's dusted white hair, "To answer your question, I have a power that scared them"

"You have powers? That's really cool!" Ghost grinned.

"I thought all Steves have powers"

Ghost signed, "I don't remember ever having powers."

"Don't you control the catacombs?"

"No, it's more like they protect me? I guess. Whenever someone enters, it makes sure no one finds me or something like that"

"I guess that's why it lead you to me" 

"What do you mean?"

"It wants you to be safe and happy down here, that's why it lead you here to me"

"I still don't understand"

"I have a little secret for you Ghost" 

"What is it?"

Faceless leaned in close to Ghost, "This isn't the first time I seen you. The catacombs wanted to see how I would react to you"

"Y-You were wa-watching me?"

"Yes and might I say, I am so glad that the catacombs trust me with you. So the 'treasure of the catacombs' was true" Faceless said, mumbling the last part.

"T-Treasure? I-I'm not a treasure"

"Oh yes you are" Faceless said running his fingers up and down Ghost's arms making him shiver, "The catacombs doesn't like anyone here, but for some reason it does like you. You hold the key of this place and what's a key without a protector to keep it safe and company, maybe be more"


"If you liked to"

"B-But I-we just met a-and I don't even know what you look like a-and-" 

"Don't worry, we can take it slow, we have all the time in the world" Faceless kissed Ghost's cheek, "And you don't have to worry about anyone ever touching you again"


"It's the reason the catacombs let me see you, it doesn't want you to be sad and hurt ever again" Faceless said bringing Ghost in a hug which the Steve returned immediently.


Word count: 1211

Requests remaining: 3

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