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Shadow Steve x ThelSpike

I know Sabre and Lucas are not cousins as far as I know, but I did it once now it's a thing with me. Also, I am a terrible flirt and I try my best to do stuff like this. The struggle is real.

Requested by MelissaC2000


Shadow smirk hearing the humans and Steve's realizing that Light was never in the Nightmare Dimension with them and it was him the whole time disguised as Light. All of their reactions were so funny to him as they worried about their friend Light though it was nothing to be worried about; Dark could never stand his brother being hurt. They thought they had lost him, but Shadow was hidden in his element, waiting for a perfect chance to get the three and bring them to his king.

The Steve's eyes soon found themselves on the blonde new comer. Shadow was curious about him and had ask his king if he could observe/play him for a bit. Deciding to break the group apart, Shadow summoned lightning to where they were making them jump and run out of the forest they were hiding in. Lucky for Shadow, the blonde was behind the other two so he took this chance to capture him.

Lucas was running behind Sabre and Rainbow when something wrap around his waist, pulled him to the side and away from his friends. Before he could scream for his friends, whoever had him covered his mouth preventing him from saying anything. 

"Don't struggle if you don't want anything to you or your friends" Shadow whispered in Lucas' ear before he started to fight him. 

Lucas gulped and nodded his head realizing who had him and that he was a hard enemy to defeat.

Shadow smirk knowing that the human wouldn't do anything. He then teleport him and the blonde to Shadow's home in the forest where Sabre released him. The Steve set the blonde down on the couch as he recovers from the effects off teleporting.

"Wh-What do you from m-me?" Lucas ask nervously after some time.

Shadow glanced up and down the human before he spoke, "First, what's your name?"

"Uh, L-Lucas"

"Lucas? Huh." Shadow mumbled to himself, "So Lucas, what is your connection with those two?"

Lucas tilted his head, not understanding who the Steve was talking about then he realized it was his friends.

"Umm, Sabre is my cousin and I meant Rainbow through him" Lucas answered not knowing why Shadow needed to know so he asked, "Why do you need to know that? And why am I here?"

Shadow ignored Lucas' questions and asked his own, "So you and the chicken one are related?"

Lucas glared at the Steve, "I won't tell you anything unless you answer my questions"

The Steve frowned at Lucas, his question was answered, but he wanted to hear it from the blonde's mouth, "I ask the questions blondie, not you"

"Sorry, but you brought me here so you have to tell me why"

"I don't have to do anything"

Lucas rolled his eyes and started to walk out of place only to stop when Shadow grabbed his wrist. No matter how hard he tried, Lucas couldn't pull away from the Steve. When he look at Shadow's face, he couldn't help but to growled.

"Why are you smiling for?" Lucas growled.

"You cute when you get irritated"

"Shut it and let me go" Lucas said not letting Shadow's words get to him.

"I don't think I will and I did mean what I said; you are cute little Lucas" Shadow grinned when the blonde blushed, "Awe, you like that name little Lucas?"

"S-Stop" Lucas stuttered as Shadow got closer.

"Don't be scared little Lucas, I don't bite" Shadow then went to Lucas' ear and whispered, "much"

When Shadow pulled back, he saw how flustered he got Lucas and chuckled; however, his enjoyment was over with when he noticed the clock on the wall and signed that their time was.

"Looks like our times up little Lucas" Shadow whined.

Lucas gave the Steve a confused look before his vison was dotted by black spots then everything turned black.


Lucas woke up in the forest that him and the others were and saw that they were there, but asleep. He was about to rush over to them when he seen a note next to him that read:

Your friend and cousin are fine, they'll just have a little headache from the memory wipe. I'll be seeing you soon little Lucas~~

~With love Shadow

P.S. Be seeing you cutie  ;)

After reading the note several times, Lucas' face was so red that a Red Steve would be jealous. Hearing a snap, Lucas look up to see a pair of eyes staring at then gave him a wink before disappearing a second later.

"I think I'll go back to sleep know" Lucas whispered to himself and did just that.


Word count: 826

Requests remaining: 11 

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