(44) ChaosSabre

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Chaos Steve x FavremySabre

Sorry for not updating for a bit, but the newest chapter for Memory of Past Future is... so.... long...over 4000 words and still going. What is life!

Requested by Sworflame12


Chaos watch as his brother, Sabre, and some other Steves play on the forest ground below him as he was sitting on a tree branch. Seeing his brother being carefree after sometime warms his heart and he had Sabre to thank for that. Speaking of that, he's been meaning to thank Sabre for a while now; well no time like the present. Chaos jump down from the branch, but he forgot to look down to see if anyone was below him.


"Dark, Sabre are you two okay?" 


It turns out, Chaos landed on Dark and Sabre causing all of them to hit the ground. Rainbow, Light, and Ultra came over when they saw/heard something hitting the ground hard. Chaos got off of the two and helped Sabre up since Light got to Dark before he could.

"Are you three okay?" Ultra asked taking Dark from Light since he couldn't hold him up properly do to height.

"I'm fine" Chaos said then look to Sabre and Dark, "I'm sorry you two, I should have looked before jumping down"

"It's okay" Sabre smiled.

"Yeah, just look next time" Dark rolled his eyes.

"Alright, we should head back, it's getting late" Rainbow said looking at the sun.

Everyone agreed and headed back to the Rainbow Town, well all but Chaos and Sabre; well Chaos was still holding onto Sabre making him stay. The human gave the Steve a confused look.


Sabre's voice got everyone's attention.

"Brother, is something wrong?" Ultra asked.

Chaos shook his head, "It's nothing, I just need to talk to Sabre for a minute. Go on ahead, we'll catch up"

"Alright, see you two soon" 

The Steves then left Chaos and Sabre alone. 

"So what you needed to talk about?" Sabre asked looking at Chaos.

Chaos rubbed the back of his neck, "I just wanted to say thank you"

"For what?"

"For helping us, for letting my brother be happy after all these years"

"It was nothing"

"It was everything to me Sabre" Chaos smiled, "Before the confusion, my brother and I were always together and smiling, but during the period of the confusion, I hurt my family, I hurt Ultra. Seeing him being his old self is the one thing I missed and I have you to thank for bring my brother back" 

Sabre smiled softly at Chaos, "You're welcome and I'm glad to see everyone so happy"

"You seem to make everyone happy Sabre"

"I do have a knack for that" Sabre laughed, "Anyways, we should head back"

Chaos nodded and let Sabre go so he would walk, but the instant Sabre took a step, pain shot through his ankle causing him to start falling. Luckily Chaos had fast reflexes and caught Sabre before he hit the ground.

"Are you alright Sabre?"

"I-I think my ankle is a bit messed up" 

Chaos gently put Sabre onto the ground then got in front of him back facing Sabre.

"Um, Chaos?"

"I'm going to give you piggy back ride so get on"

Sabre got on and held onto Chaos not to tight, he didn't want to choke the Steve.

"I'm not heavy, am I?" Sabre ask worried.

"Not really, it took me a moment to even notice that you were on me." Chaos said standing up and walking back home, "Do you even eat? You're light as a feather."

"I do eat, it's just that you Steves are strong so what feels have to me, is light to you" Sabre pouted. He kind of envy the Steves for being stronger than him.

"Hey, hey, I was just asking and don't get discourage because of strength. We might be strong physically, but you're strong mentally. If it wasn't for that then we wouldn't be here living in peace."

"Really?" Sabre never notice that.

"Yeah, between your strong will and being hard headed, you defeated powerful Steves that no of us could defeat. Don't you dare argue with me Sabre, you know I am right" Chaos said knowing full and well that the human would argue back.

Sabre signed then look in front of them.

"So how's the view up there?" Chaos asked.

"It's really nice" Sabre smiled. He felt himself getting sleepy the more Chaos walk in silence soon enough, he few asleep on Chaos.

"Hey, you're good back there?" When Chaos didn't get answer, he turned his head to see Sabre sleeping peacefully on his shoulder.

Chaos couldn't help, but smile and continue walking.

'He's really cute when sleeping'


Rainbow and Ultra went back into the forest to see if Sabre and Chaos were okay since they've been gone for a while.

"Ultra, Ultra" Rainbow whispered and gestured for the Steve to come over to where he was.

"What is it Rainbow? Did you find them?"

"You can say that"

"What do you mean by" Ultra seen what Rainbow was looking at and realized why he was whispering, "Oh"

The Steves quietly left the forest and went back to the Rainbow town where Rainbow told Light and Dark about what they saw. Rainbow had just finished explaining when Chaos walk in still carrying a sleeping Sabre on his back.

"Welcome back brother" Ultra smiled then offered to take Sabre to his bed which Chaos agreed to and bent down a bit so Ultra could get Sabre off of his back.

Chaos smiled as his brother carries the human away. When he turned around he saw Rainbow and Dark smirking at him while Light was holding back his giggles.

"Uh, is everything okay"

Dark and Rainbow look at each other before chanting at the same time, "Chaos and Sabre sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-"

"Nope, nope, nope, I don't these Steves, never met them in my life. I'm out, I'm out, I'm out" Chaos yelled speed walking away.   


Word count: 1000

Requests remaining: 3

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