(14) GalaxySabre

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Galaxy Steve x Favremysabre

Requested by GalaxyChan6


Galaxy let out a yawn when he awoke from his sandwich, pufferfish filled dream. He look around the room that he, Sabre and Rainbow shared he noticed that Sabre was no where to be found and started to panic. Rainbow awoke to the sound of footsteps pacing around the room, knowing that Sabre was already gone he talk to Galaxy.

"What's wrong Galaxy?" Rainbow mumbled.

"Sabre's gone!" Galaxy practically yelled.

"Shh. Galaxy, Sabre has insomnia"

"Oh that makes sense"

"You don't know what that is do you?"

"Nope" Rainbow groaned.

"If you're worried about him look on the roof or outside" With that Rainbow went back to sleep and Galaxy went to find Sabre. Though Rainbow did not seem worried, Galaxy was. The purple/white Steve worries about the human a lot and recently he realized he had fallen for the strong willed human. He doesn't remember when these feelings first appeared, but they have grown each time he was with Sabre.

Galaxy went downstairs seeing sabre was no where in sight on the roof. He made sure not to make noise so he would not wake up the colorful Steve again. When Galaxy walk through the door, he saw a sight to behold: Sabre dancing while humming a tone.

A faint blush appeared on his face as he got closer without alerting the human. Galaxy was close enough to hear the tune Sabre was humming. As for Sabre, he was unaware of the Steve behind him as he did little movements while humming. He was in his own world away from the one he was in, unaware of everything that is happening.

Galaxy gained the courage and walk over to Sabre and said one of the most chessest lines out there, "May I have this dance?" 

Sabre jumped at the sound of Galaxy's voice and quickly turned around to see Galaxy holding out his hand for him to take. Not saying a word as the blush on his face increase, he took Galaxy's hand and the two started to dance to Sabre's humming.

Galaxy put his hands on Sabre's hips while Sabre put his arms around Galaxy's neck. Nether said anything as they were lost in their own worlds. Thanks to the light from the moon, Galaxy could see Sabre's light grey eyes through his bandanna, they made him look even more cute.

"What are you humming Sabre?" Galaxy ask breaking the silence.

"Something a friend of mine use to hum when I was little" 

"And dancing?" 

"Again from a friend" Sabre's whole face could make a tomato jealous.

Galaxy stopped dancing, but did not let go of Sabre, instead he pulled him closer to him. Sabre stopped humming when he felt himself being pulled into a muscular chest.


"Can we stay like this for a moment?" Galaxy mumbled in Sabre's hair.

As they stood there, Sabre felt himself become sleepy and started to put more weight on Galaxy who notice his actions.

"Tired?" Sabre nodded as he started to pull away, however, Galaxy did something unexpected. Galaxy hauled Sabre off his feet and carried him bridal style. Sabre let out a squeak and held onto Galaxy's neck tighter.

"I won't drop you,  you can trust me" Sabre loosen his hold and let Galaxy carry him back to the Galaxy Tower unaware when he fell asleep in the Steve's arms.

Galaxy entered the room with Sabre in his arms then put him in his assigned bed. The Steve ran his hand through the soft brown hair before leaning down to kiss Sabre on the head.

"I love you Sabre" Galaxy whispered knowing Sabre would not hear. The Steve then went back to his bed.

"I ship it" Galaxy look around to where the voice came from to find Rainbow looking at him.

"Uh what?"

"Nothing, thanks for getting Sabre to bed he needs as much sleep as possible" With that Rainbow went back to sleep and Galaxy followed suit.

'Maybe Sabre can teach me other ways to dance' Galaxy thought with a smile on his face not hearing a whisper once he was asleep.

"Love you too Galaxy"


Word count: 701

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