(33) PlagueGhost

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When should I make a second book?

Plague Steve x Ghost Steve

Requested by Classicgalixy


(Warning: references will or might be wrong) 

Ghost was cautiously walking around the Rainbow Town. He was being cautious because of Plague who was also in the town. Plague is up to something, but Ghost had yet to figure out what it is. Sabre, Lucas, and Rainbow have no idea what Plague was capable of, well Sabre has been getting suspicious of him as of late which Ghost was happy about.

The Steve wasn't paying attention where he was going until he bumped into something, well someone. Ghost fell onto the ground and look up to see what he bumped into only to find himself staring at green and blue eyes.

"Hello there Ghost" Plague chuckle. Ghost said nothing, he was paralyzed in fear.

"Aww, don't be like that Ghost" The Steve observed the fearful look upon the smaller's face. Plague bent down to Ghost's level. As for Ghost, he tried to crawl away from the green and blue Steve, but Plague grabbed his ankle. 

"You're not going anywhere Ghost" Plague yank Ghost's ankle so Ghost was partially on his lap.

"L-let m-me go" Ghost whimpered.

"And why would I do that hm?" Ghost tried to kick him with his other foot, but Plague grabbed it before it reach his face.

"Aww, does little Ghost not want to be close to me?" Before Ghost could respond, Plague pull him closer to the point both of his legs were around Plague's waist and was on his lap, "Too bad, I want to be near you"

Plague then grab both of Ghost's wrists and pulled him up so they were looking eye too eye. Ghost felt something on his wrists and saw that Plague had tied a rope around them behind his back. No matter how hard he struggle, Ghost couldn't break the rope.

"Ghost" The Steve turn his attention away from the rope to Plague who he sat on, "eyes on me"

"W-what do y-you want?" What ever it was, Ghost just wanted Plague to get it over with.

"First off, I want your attention. Second, I want you" 

Ghost rolled his eyes as though Plague's words had no meaning, "You have my attention, what do you really want?" 

"Why so serious?" Plague's smirk turn into a frown when he saw the fear and any other emotion devoid from Ghost eyes, "I want you Ghost"

"Yeah right and I want to go back to the catacombs" Ghost said sarcastically. He hates when someone plays with his emotions.

"I'm telling you the truth" Plague could not understand why Ghost was acting this way, "Why are you like this?"

"I've been told the same thing before and it was the reason I ended up the way I am" When Ghost was alive, he was tricked by a Steve he liked and he ended up becoming Ghost Steve.   

"I mean it Ghost" 

"If you have nothing else to say, I'm going to see if I can find someone" Ghost went to move off of Plague's lap, but Plague had a good grip on Ghost's hips. "Let me go"

"I told you that I want you" Plague growled, "and I get what I want"

Plague pushed Ghost onto the ground and climb on top of him.

"And I told you to get off of me! I don't want to play this game with you!"

"You think this is a game? Does this feel like a game?!" Plague smashed his lips onto Ghost who's mind went blank. Plague pulled back and started to kiss down Ghost's neck down to his exposed shoulder where he sunk his teeth in to.

Ghost tried to hold back from screamed to the top of his lungs.

"Don't hold back, I want to hear you scream" Plague pulled Ghost's hair making him gasp before he bit down harder on Ghost's shoulder. Ghost couldn't hold it and scream until his throat became raw.

Plague lick away the blood that came out of the bite he made then lick away the salty tears that came out of Ghost's bright purple eyes.

"Do you believe me now?" Plague whispered in Ghost's ear. Ghost couldn't speak so he just nodded.

"Prefect" Plague smirk. He put his lips back onto Ghost's and Ghost let him feeling tired.

"Go to sleep now, we'll continue this later" Plague undid the ropes around Ghost's wrists, pick him up and put him in a bed in the Rainbow House.

Before Plague left the room, he said, "Remember Ghost, I'm not like those Steves you use to know. I don't 'play' around when it comes to something or someone I want"


Word count: 790    

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