(40) ReverseSabre Part 2

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Requested by JanaFedon

Remember, we are in the Reverse World so Sabre's clothing is the opposite colors


Sabre was walking around the Reverse Town waiting for Reverse once again, but this time the Steve said he would be back in two or three hours. Nearing the entrance, Sabre noticed a badly injured Steve and, without thinking, he went outside of the town; the one thing Reverse told him not to do.

"Hey! Are you okay?" Sabre called out for the Steve.

Dream looked up to see a human in black chicken suit with a white bandanna around his neck running towards him with a worried expression. When Sabre reached him, he went on his knees to check the Steve's injuries and got out medical supplies from his satchel (inventory).

"W-Who are you?" Dream asked. He never seen a human before until now nor did he ever felt such kindness from another being.

"Sabre" Sabre smiled as he started to patch the Steve up who was covered in scratches, burn marks and gashes, "How did you get hurt?"

"I fought another Steve" The Steve glared at the ground, he felt Sabre's questioning gaze, "All he wants is power, to be the superior being. He's a selfish Steve and would do anything to get what he wants"

"Well, I'm glad my friend isn't like that" Sabre chirp as he finished wrapping the Steve up, "There, all done"

"Thank you Sabre" Dream said.

"You're welcome" Sabre went to help Dream up, but nether accounted Dream being strong or Sabre being light in weight so the end result was Sabre falling onto Dream. 

"S-Sorry" Sabre stuttered and went to get up when Dream wrap an arm around Sabre's back pulling him down closer so that the only thing keeping them apart were Sabre's arms.


Dream pulled him closer and whispered, "You are something special Sabre"

Just before Dream could get close enough to Sabre, a deep and powerful voice yelled out in anger.

"Get your filthy hands off of him!"

The next thing Sabre and Dream knew was Sabre being pulled away and held possessively by an angry Reverse.

"R-Reverse?" Sabre said in surprised not knowing that the Steve in front of them was Reverse's worst enemy, "Wh-what are you-"

"Quiet Sabre" Reverse commanded. Anger filled his veins when he saw his human being touched by Dream.

"Don't tell him what to do!" Dream growled standing up, his glare at Reverse turned into a soft gaze when he looked at Sabre, "Sabre, that Steve was the one I was talking about. Please come with me"

Reverse tighten his grip on Sabre when Dream took a step forward and growled.

"Why you!" Reverse gritted his teeth. What had Dream told Sabre?

Reverse was about to say something when Sabre spoke up.

"But, Reverse is my friend. He's not a bad guy and one of the nicest Steve's I've met." Sabre said oh so innocently, "Who are you anyways?"

"My name is Dream and Reverse is not a good guy; he would anything to get what he wants, even kill" Dream said trying to convince Sabre.

"Sabre don't listen to him I-" Reverse tried to defend himself but Dream cut him off.

"Don't lie Reverse, we both know how many were lost, how many you killed just for your selfish gain. I bet you only keep Sabre alive is that he has something you need"

"Shut up!"

"And once you have it"

"Shut up!"

"You'll destroy him like everyone else!"

Reverse was seeing red and was about to attack Dream when he heard Sabre sign.

"I know what he had done" Both Steves turn to the human, "I known for a while, but he has his own reasons, you just assumed on why he was doing everything"

"Sabre..." Reverse had thought he did a good job to keep Sabre away from what he did or done over the years.

Sabre look up at Reverse with soft eyes, "But I will never hate him" He then look over to Dream, "I just can't leave him, he's my best friend"

Dream was disappointed, he grew very fond of the human in the few minutes that they've met. 

"I'll see you soon Reverse and I'm not going to lose" Dream promised, he then looked at Sabre trying to change his mind about staying with Reverse, but the human made up his mind. 

"Hope to see you soon Sabre" Dream said before teleport away.

"Yeah that's not going to happen" Reverse growled, he then look at Sabre, " As for you, what did I tell you about leaving the town?"

"Not to" 

"And what did I say about talking to strangers without me?"

"Not to" Sabre signed and looked down, he messed up big time. He started to walk back to the Reverse Town knowing that he'll be punished.

Sabre just took one step before he was swept off his feet by Reverse and instantly wrap his arms around the Steve's neck.

"R-Reverse?" Sabre squeaked.

"But what you said, you not leaving me, made up for everything" Reverse said as he walk home with Sabre in his arms, "You don't know how happy I am"

Sabre giggled, "I didn't know me saying that would this reaction from you"

"You're the one person in this world that I would do anything for" Reverse said in a low tone.

"What do you mean?"

"I would do anything to keep you safe and happy Sabre."

"Hey Reverse, can I ask you something?"

Reverse hummed in response.

"Why do you want to become stronger?"

Reverse came to a halt and looked Sabre in the eye.

"So I can prove that I am strong enough to protect you from anything and everything"


Word count: 960

Requests remaining: 0 

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