(19) RedBlue

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Professor Red x Blue Steve (Steve Saga Origins)

For chickenshaman


(Professor Red POV)

Rainbow brought an old friend of his over to my lab, oddly Purple was not with them; I guess he went on his own way. I thought he would be gone longer then he should be, but it appears his friend kept him in line for the most part. I heard Rainbow talking to his friend about me and a what he has been up to. From my guess, Rainbow known this Steve for a very long time from the way he talks. Soon enough there was a knock on my door followed by Rainbow calling for me. I let out a sign as I open the door to find a Blue Steve talking to Rainbow.


(3rd POV)

"Oh Professor Red, this is my friend Blue!" Rainbow chirped when he saw Prof. Red standing at the door way, "See Blue, I told you he was a Professor. Look he's wearing a lab coat and goggles."

"Okay Rainbow I see it" Blue let out a small sign before looking at Prof. Red, "Hello, I'm Blue"

Prof. Red eyes widen when he saw Blue's eyes: light grey with specks of blue. They look absolutely beautify to him since he never seen anything like them. This is where Prof. Red was thankful he was a Red Steve because as of now his face was flustered.

"Um, are you okay?" Blue ask concerned.

"I-I'm fine. *clears throat* My name is Prof. Red, nice to meet you Blue" Prof. Red offer Blue a hand to shake which Blue gladly shook.

"Wow. You are smarter than an average Red no offence"

"None taken" How could he? He was more focus on how soft and warm Blue's hands were, though he had to let go so nether Blue or Rainbow would think oddly of him.

"Any way, Prof. Red I got some of the ingredients you need" Rainbow said, showing Prof. Red the ingredients he got.

"Good, you can put them in that chest over there" Prof. Red pointed to the chest near the door. Rainbow did so then joined Blue's side once again.

"So what are you trying to make?" Blue ask.

"A potion to weaken a Steve's powers" 



Blue let out a sign and turn his attention to Prof. Red, "Thank you for helping Rainbow, Prof. Red"

"No problem at all" It was actually, but it was better for him to keep his mouth shut.

"Alright, we better get the other ingredients so we can make this potion" Rainbow pulled out the book Prof. Red gave him and started to check off what they got, "Come on Blue"

"Wait" Prof. Red said without thinking, "How about I talk to Blue for a bit to get to know him? You can get some of the ingredients here in the Overworld"


"That's a great idea!" Rainbow interrupted Blue who gave him a confused look, but rainbow did not see it. Instead, he pushed Blue towards Prof. Red before running off, yelling he'll be back before sun set. What Rainbow did not see was that he pushed Blue into Prof. Red who caught him in his arms.

"Sorry Prof. Red and thank you" Blue smiled sheepishly at the professor.

"Though I know Rainbow for a very short amount of time, I can tell he's a very active Steve"

Blue giggled causing Prof. Red to blush even more. 

"Um, Prof. Red?"


"Um" Blue directed his eyes to Prof. Red's arms which were still holding Blue's arms, hands on his elbows. Blue's arms were in the same position, but above Prof. Red's arms.

"Oh, um yes" Prof. Red hesitantly let go of Blue, already missing his warmth, "Sorry about that Blue"

"It's no big issue" Blue smiled. Prof. Red didn't know it, but he was staring at Blue's eyes for quiet a bit, only to realize when Blue spoke again.

"Do I have something on my face?" Blue started to rub his face, but Prof. Red grab his wrists to stop him.

"No, I never seen a Steve with different color eyes then their kind unless under certain circumstances"

Blue bit his lip as his face flushed with a light blue color, "Oh, I don't really know why, none of the Steves I met know why though"

Prof. Red did not know what brought him to do it, but he let go of on of Blue's wrists to push some of his light blue hair out of his face behind his ear. It was like he was in a trance when he stair into those light grey eyes. Unaware of what he was doing, Prof. Red leaned closer to Blue. Blue, on the other hand, did not stop the Red Steve instead he too leaned in. They stopped at the point if one of them goes any closer than they would be kissing.

They stayed that way for a bit until Prof. Red went for it, he wrap his arms around Blue's waist while Blue wrap his arms around Prof. Red's neck. They stop to breath, but Prof. Red recovered quickly when he flip them around, pushing Blue against the wall and started to kiss his neck. Eventually he found a spot that made Blue moan and bit right there causing Blue to squeak.

"Prof. Red?" Blue panted when the Red Steve pulled away.

"I think we know each other better. Don't you think?" Prof. Red grin.

"Y-yeah" Prof. Red held him for a few minutes before letting the Blue Steve go. He then held out his hand for Blue to hold which Blue took, but this time Prof. Red didn't have to let go of those soft, warm hands or look away from those odd yet beautiful grey eyes.


Word count: 973

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