(50) TimeSabre Part 2

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Requested by ArchCode91

I love motherly Sabre for some reason.


Time let out a yelp when he was woken up by a crash of thunder and the flash of lighting. He held his bear close to his chest, it was childish, but Time was scared of lightning . He look over to see if his brother was awake but to his disappointed Elemental wasn't. Shakenly, Time walk out of the room not wanting to wake Elemental and walk downstairs. Each time there was a crash of lighting, Time would try to muffle his screams so he don't wake anyone up.

When Time was about to reach the stair case, he bumped into someone's chest and before he could see who it was, there was a crash of lighting causing him to hold onto the person. Instead of speaking, the person wrap his arms around Time and pulled him close, running a hand up and down his back to sooth him. 

"Its okay Time, I'm here, I'm here" 

"S-Sabre?" Time look up to see Sabre without his bandanna to show his bright grey eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?" Sabre said in a soft tone.

Time didn't trust himself with speak without stuttering so he nodded his head and smiled which Sabre returned. Though the happy moment was ruined when there was another crash of lighting, scaring Time once again.

 "Time, are you afraid of lighting?" Sabre asked in a gently matter.

Time nodded against Sabre's chest and hugged him tighter. If it was anyone else, Time won't responded, but this was Sabre, one of the very few he won't answer.

"Do you want to sleep with me? To see if it helps" Sabre suggested. Him and Lucas did the same thing when they were children.

"Y-Yes" Time said shakenly.

Sabre grab the hand that wasn't holding the bear and lead Time back to his room.

"H-Hey Sabre?" Time asked, "W-Why are you up?"

"Couldn't sleep" was Sabre's answer. They reached Sabre and Lucas' shared room where a drowsy Lucas look at them.

"Sab?" Lucas mumbled.

Sabre told Time to go to the empty bed as he went to Lucas.

Lucas at Sabre with tired eyes which followed the other human.

"Hey" Sabre whispered running a hand through Lucas' blonde hair getting a soft purr, "go back to sleep Lu, okay"

"You need sleep" Lucas said unknowingly falling asleep himself, "You don't get enough, I want you to..."

"I'm fine Lu, I promise" Sabre said just before Lucas went to sleep once again. 

After pulling the covers on Lucas, Sabre went over to his bed seeing Time clamed one side and left enough room for him to get in. Once he did, Time snuggled in his chest  holding his bear in his own chest and let out a content sign. Sabre just smiled and wrap his arms around the small Steve and bear.

"You're like a mom" Time mumbled.

"I know" Sabre chuckled.

"Can I tell you something?" Time look straight into Sabre's eyes.

"You can tell me anything"

"I had feelings for you, I thought I love you as someone to, you know, love. But, I realized that wasn't what those feelings meant"

"What do they mean?" Sabre ask curious.

"Sabre, I never had anyone but my brother and now that things are fine, I want to know what a family is. So, what I'm asking is..." Time look away and mumbled the last part.

"I couldn't hear you Time, what did you say?"

"C-Can you be my mom?"

Sabre was a bit shock at Time's question but when you think about it, it's nothing to be surprised about. Both Sabre and Lucas are parents to everyone, some even called them'mom' or 'dad', but no one had ever asked for ether of them to be their parent. Another reason why this wasn't must of a surpries is that even though should Time is one of the oldest, he's one of the youngest.

Sabre gave Time a soft smile, "I would like that"  

Time grinned and said, "Goodnight mom!" Before falling asleep.

"Goodnight Time" Sabre replied drifting off to sleep as well.


Word count: 691

Request remaining: 1

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