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Infinity Steve x Genderblend ThelSpike

I tell people I'm sleepy, they offer me coffee, I say I don't drink it, they think I'm crazy. That's my day -_-
High School AU, if no one wants a female Lucas (Laura) then I'll rewrite this; if not then it stays; if its a cross then I'll leave this and do one with regular Lucas. I'm just doing something new.
One last thing, if you're name or nickname or someone close to you or something is name Ari, no offense to anyone. I just chose a name.
This includes female Sabre (Sarah) btw.

Requested by MelissaC2000


It was early in the morning, but not early enough that school was not empty, as Infinity was leaning next to a set of lockers, none are his. He acknowledge his friends, ignored his fan girls - yes this boy has fan girls. Infinity is the star quarterback for the school also one of the hottest guys. A lot of girls want to date him, especially Ari. Ari thinks just because she's head cheerleader, voted hottest girl in school, and most likely to date one of the hot dudes that her and Infinity automatically are a couple. Unknowing to her and majority of the school, Infinity was already taken. 

By who? We'll find out.

"Hey cutie" Ari flirted.

Infinity didn't say anything as he continues to play on his phone, he does this to everyone except his close friends and girlfriend. Most people would have let the guy alone, unfortunately, Ari is not most.

"Awe, are you mad that I didn't text you last night?" Ari asked. Some how this crazy lady found Infinity's number when only very few knew it.

"Hey Infinity" A voice called out. This time Infinity responded by looking up to see it was Sarah, Dark's girlfriend and his girlfriend's best friend.

"What's up Sarah?" Infinity asked ignoring Ari who glared at the grey eye girl.

"Laura is running a bit late, her brother slept in, again and Dark went to pick them up" Sarah signed.

Infinity growled, "I'll make sure Plague gets extra laps, thanks for telling me but why isn't she answering her phone?"

"Hey!" Ari shouted getting both of their attention, well Sarah's.

"Yes?" Sarah asked.

"How dare you ruin Infinity and I's moment!" Ari growled, "Who do you think you are talking to my boyfriend?!"

"Boyfriend? I'm sorry but he's taken" Sarah pointed out.

Just as she said that, Infinity felt hug him from behind and knew exactly who it was.

"Hey Lar" Infinity said bringing the blonde out behind him.

"Hey Infinity and Sarah, Dark is outside waiting for you" Laura said.

"Great, I'll see you love birds later" Sarah said before leaving the couple and an angry girl alone to see her boyfriend.

Ari glared at Laura for being near and touching her boyfriend so she grabbed the blonde's arm to pull her away from Infinity and pushed her against the locker. 

"Who are you and why are you hanging on my boyfriend?!" Ari yelled at the smaller girl who started stuttered incoherent words.

Luckily Infinity was at his girlfriend's rescue as he pulled Ari away from Laura and pinned her against the lockers. Everyone around them felt the dark aura surrounding the jock and knew that he was angry, no one wants any angry Infinity after he sent a kid to the hospital two years ago. That was the time when Infinity had a crush on Laura and had yet to tell her, but it became clear when a kid started to flirt with her and Infinity got jealous and violent really fast.

"Never and I mean never, touch my girlfriend" Infinity growled, "I don't care if you're a girl, I will hurt you if you hurt what's mine"

"Infinity stop" Laura begged and tugged on Infinity's arm, "It's not worth it. Let her go and let's go to class please"

Infinity glanced at the smaller and signed, he couldn't say no to her, especially like this. Letting Ari go, the blonde/red head grab Laura and dragged her to class. After a few seconds, students went back to what they were doing. As for Ari, she was furious at Laura for stealing what was hers and planned to show Infinity that she was better than the blonde.


Laura nervously look at Infinity who was going the opposite way of their class and knew that he was too angry to go to class. This didn't happen often, but when it does, Laura was so thankful for having the same classes as Sarah. The couple found themselves under the big tree near the football field and Infinity's special place. Infinity sat down, pulling Laura down with him onto his lap facing him. 

"Infinity, are you okay?" Laura asked softly.

The heterochromia male said nothing as he pulled the blonde into a hug, taking her sweet scent that he loves so much and the one thing that calmed him instantly.     

"I love so much you that right?" Infinity asked not letting the blue eye girl go.

"I do Infinity, you tell me several times a day" Laura chuckled a little bit to hopefully lighten the mood.

"I'll tell you even more if you don't believe me" 

Laura pulled away and put a hand on Infinity's cheek as he held her small hand in his big ones.

"I believe you, always and always will. If you think I thought of anything when that girl said you were her boyfriend, you don't know me. I love you no matter what and I know you wouldn't do anything to break my heart"

"You could have done so much better than me" Infinity frowned.

"No" Laura shook her head, "I couldn't, you are better than what you think. You are better than everyone thinks. I know that, our friends know that. I love you as you are, I don't care what anyone says" 

Infinity pulled Laura back into a tight hug, holding her close, "What did I do to deserve you?"

"By being you"


Word count: 1000

Requests remaining: 11 

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