TimeMark Part 3

435 13 2

Requested by Pinkcrystalwarrior

Why am I liking this so much?! I'm so sorry Time! T^T


When Time woke up for the second time that day, he found himself laying on a couch with his head on someone's lap who was running a hand through his hair. That someone being the one and only Mark.

"I see you're awake princess" Mark smiled.

"Y-Yeah" When Time sat up, Mark instantly pulled him onto his lap facing him. The Steve placed his hands on the entity's shoulder's while Mark wrap his arms around Time's waist to pull him closer.

"I was wondering princess, how old are you?" 

Time tilted his head in confusion, "Why do you need to know that?"

"No reason princess" Mark chuckled, "Just curios"

"Um, okay, I guess" Time said not knowing what else to say, "Um, Steves' don't really have a way to indicate age, we just know who (as in all species) is older and younger based on their aura I guess"

"I see, so am I older or younger than you?"

"Older" Time said not knowing where this conversation was going.

Mark brought one hand up to Time's face and cupped his cheek. His little princess just unknowingly gave him the answer he needed so now he can start preparing something for both him and his princess.

"Are you still hungry princess?" 

Time nodded his head in response feeling his stomach growling at any hint of food. Standing up with Time, who wrap his legs around Mark's waist out of instinct, Mark carried him to the dinning room. Setting the small Steve in a chair, Mark left to get they some food after he made sure Time wouldn't leave.

This was the first time since Time been here that Mark wasn't by him and was able to think properly. Mark took him last night away from his home, away from his brother, and he some how knew that Elemental went out that exact night. Was he watching them the whole time? That couldn't be it, right? Time started to get paranoid thinking about Mark watching him and his brother this whole that he didn't notice Mark was next to him until he felt a hand on his shoulder making him jump out of his seat.

Time landed on the ground and groaned out in pain from the fall.

"Princess!" Mark shouted in worry as he approach the fallen Steve.

"S-Stay away from me!" Time coward away from the entity.

"Princess, what's wrong? I'm not going to hurt you" Mark said with a soft smile.

Time continue to look at Mark with fear filled eyes, "Y-You were w-watching Elemental and I this wh-whole time!"

Mark silently cursed to himself then look straight into Time's golden eyes and walk to him as the Steve moved backwards. Once Time's back hit a wall, it was all over as Mark caged him with his arms so he had no where to go.     

"It appears I can't leave you alone princess, not for one second." Mark smirk, "Which is a good thing for me since we'll be together forever"

"No!" Time shouted, "I want to go home! I want my brother! I want you to leave me alone!"

Now anyone would have jumped at Time yelling, but Mark did something unexpected.

"See you all fire up makes you look so hot right now" Mark said licking his lips and started to lean in.

Time tried to escape, but he couldn't due to Mark's arms holding him in place. Looking back to the entity who stopped inches away from his face.

"Don't fight me princess" Mark whispered, "Forget about your home, forget about Elemental. This is your home and you only have me to depend on"

The Steve didn't know why Mark's words were so tempting to believe, but he tried to shake them off; he wasn't his brother.

"Relax princess" Mark whispered leaning in more, "I'll take care of you, I won't betray use you like Elemental"

Those words brought memories that Time wished did not happened and, for a brief moment, he stopped fighting and that's all it took. Time stopped fighting and started to cry from the sadness that swelled within him. Mark let go of Time's hands and pulled him in a hug allowing Time to let everything out.

"I got you princess, you don't have to worry about anyone anymore" Mark said.

'You're mine princess, all mine and no one can change that'


Word count: 732

Requests remaining: 8

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