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Sorry for not doing requests lately, been working on other books and creating new ones. Sorry if it's bad, trying to get back on track with this stuff.

Green Steve x TheLspike

Requested by MelissaC2000


Green signed to himself as he walk around the dessert, it was another boring day in the Overworld with nothing to do. There was no one to talk to and nothing to work on. Light was who knows where after being infected, Lucas hasn't been here in a long time and anyone in Sabre's world couldn't come here because of the thing that possessed Light. The Steve miss having someone to keep him company, especially Lucas who he might have a slight crush on. Yes Green likes the blonde, and who can blame him? Lucas was there for him no matter and helped him whenever he needed it. He was by far the nicest person (not including Sabre) in the whole entire world. 


The Steve loved it when Lucas look at him with those amazing light blue eyes or the softness of his blonde hair when he touched it, everything about made his heart flutter.


Or his facial expression when would panic at the littlest things, which is the most adorable thing he has ever seen yet very worried some at the same time.


 Or his voice that-

"Green Steve wake up!"

The Steve snapped out of his thoughts and look to where he heard his name to see it was the very person he was thinking about. Green noticed that Lucas had a concerned look on his face and had his hands on the Steve's shoulders.

"Lucas?" Green asked not sure if he was seeing things or not.

Lucas let out a sign and brought the Steve into a hug, "You had me worried Green"

If Green hadn't known Lucas as long as he did then this would have been a dream, instead, he knew it was real and hugged the blonde back, "Sorry, I was lost in thought. Is everything okay?"

The human didn't say anything and hugged Green tighter, "I don't know anymore"

"Tell me what happened"

Green sat down bringing Lucas down with him and put an arm around him for comfort feeling like the blonde needs it. 

"H-Have you e-ever liked someone, b-but were t-to afraid to tell them because o-of their reaction?"

'Does Lucas like someone?' Green thought. Just that thought sent an arrow to his heart, knowing that his crush liked someone else.

"N-Nevermind it's a d-dumb question" Lucas shook his head.

"No it's not Lucas, I understand what you mean." Green said honestly, "I like someone, but I was too late to say anything now that they like someone else"

"What should I do?"

"Don't be like me and confess" Green said even though he regrets it.

Lucas stayed silent for a moment before looking straight into Green's eyes.

"Hey, is everything al-mph" Green was cut off when he felt a pair of soft lips on his.

When Lucas pulled away, he was blushing like mad for what he has down and was about to run off when a hand grabbed his arm, stopping him in his tracks. Green stood up, not loosening his grip once.

"Lucas, is the person you like me?" There was no answer so Green knew it was true, "I'm not mad Lucas, just surprised"

"I'm sorry" Lucas muttered loud enough for the Steve to hear.

"There's nothing to be sorry for because" Green turns the human around, "because I like you too."

This time it was Green who leaned in to connected their lips and pulled away after a few seconds. Not saying another word, Lucas pulled Green in a hug feeling relieved that the Steve had the same feelings as he did. Green hugged back feeling thankful the blonde chose him out of everyone out there.   


Word count: 652

Requests remaining: 11

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