(36) Believer GMV

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Believer by Imagine Dragons 

Steve Saga belongs to FavremySabre

Video made by me

If video does not work you can look up Forgotten Echo on YouTube and click on the icon with the blue flower.


Void, Nightmare, Elemental and Chaos come together to face the Steves and Alexs of their past.

Note: The past was before anyone had or discover their powers 

Blue's relationship with Void is that they were friends as children, but Blue wasn't as friendly as Void thought he was. For starters, Blue didn't like it when Void spook his mind and hurt him when he did. Eventually Void found a way out and then years later Void finally told Blue what was on his mind. 

Green's relationship with Nightmare went back to when Nightmare was Yellow and Red. Both Steves loved the Alex very much, but Yellow stood back for Red to get Green. The reason was that Red was a selfless person and Yellow knew he would never go for Green knowing that Yellow likes her as well so Yellow pushed Red to tell his feelings and thought that he would be happy with Green. 
However, the plan went badly, Green hurt Red badly and went to Yellow. Though Yellow was happy, the rage from Green hurting his best friend overcome those feelings for Green. This resulted with Yellow going a bit mad and merged himself with Red, who fell into a deep depression, creating Nightmare. Years later Nightmare confronts Green. 

Yellow's relationship with Elemental is that they were friends, very good ones. However, the hate from Yellow's family made Yellow become distant from everyone, even his best friend. Elemental never wanted to hurt Yellow or held anything against him, that is why Elemental looked sympathetic. Elemental only wanted to tell Yellow what his family had done to him. Out of all the confronted Steves and Alexs, Yellow was the only one who wasn't afraid when Void, Nightmare and Chaos appeared. 

Red's relationship with Chaos is an obvious one: Red hates and bullies Chaos. She hates him for just being a fusion. Chaos never stood up from himself because he doesn't like hurting those weaker than him- thanks to Ultra - plus secretly finds it funny that a normal Alex would hurt him.    

Void told Blue it was his life.
Nightmare told Green her love hurt both sides of him.
Elemental told Yellow that his was his drive. 
Chaos told Alex the reason he is who he is was from pain.

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