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Dark Steve x Light Steve

I am a little bothered of how I wrote this, I see Dark and Light as brothers and this went a bit too far from my liking. 

Edit: Never mind, this isn't bothering me, I think I'm actually going to be sick. The potato has betrayed me and I'm not talking about Aphmau  

Requested by DarkLight010


It was late afternoon when Light woke up in an unfamiliar room on a bed that was not his with a small headache and a stinging pain in his shoulder. The white Steve held his head as he tried to recall what had happened to him. All he could remember was him protecting Rainbow from being hurt, only to get hurt himself and then passed out from the pain. Light found himself looking into a full size mirror and was shock to see his reflection: instead of wearing his normal white clothing, he had an oversized black shirt that was more like a dress on him and he could see bandages wrapped around his injured shoulder.

Before the Steve could think, he heard a door opening and worried about who it was, he pretended to be asleep. Since Light faced away from the door, he didn't know who it was. He felt the bed dip telling him the person is sitting next to him then felt a hand running through his hair. Light did his best not to shiver when the person ran their hand down his side only to stop at his hip, dangerously close to his exposed skin.

"So pretty" The person muttered and lowered their hand onto Light's thigh, that's when the Steve couldn't take it anymore.

"Get off me!" Light screamed pushing the person away from him then get off the bed and into a corner holding the blanket to cover himself.

The person turned out to be a Yellow Steve eyeing Light like he was eye candy.

"Seems the prince's guest is awake" The Yellow Steve said licking his lips and walking to Light with lust in his eyes, "I don't think he'll mind if I have a little taste"

"S-Stay away " Light said in fear. There was no way out, especially when the Yellow Steve trapped him with his arms.

"Such a pretty Steve" The Yellow Steve repeated and went to reach for Light's face when the door slammed open.

Both Steves' attention was directed to the new comer who Light was happy to see not because he just saved him.

"Dark!" Light smiled. He went under the Yellow Steve's arm, dropping the blanket, and into Dark's arms.

Dark pulled Light close to him as he glared at the Yellow Steve with murderous filled eyes. With a dangerous tone, Dark told the Yellow Steve to get out which he did faster than a normal Yellow Steve could.

When Dark heard the door close, he pulled away from Light just enough to see his face.

"It's nice to see you too Light. Did that Steve do anything to you?" Dark asked worried.

"He just touch my hair and barely touch my thigh before I pushed him away" Light said knowing it's better for him to tell the truth than to lie to Dark.

I should probably explain what's happening, shouldn't I. You see Dark is the soon to be king of the Saga Kingdom. To become king, he has to marry. Unlike most kingdoms, there was no rule that prevent Dark from marrying anyone, much to his mom's disappointment. Him and Light have been friends since they were young ones, and Dark developed a crush on Light. So to make a long story short Dark propose to Light; however, they have to wait until Light is twenty-two years old for them to be married (Dark is twenty-four and Light is twenty-one) or to do anything beyond kissing. 

"I should kill him" Dark muttered. Another thing, the royal family is known to be possessive when it comes to they one they are soon to be married to.

"Don't Dark, not now at least" Light signed, "By the way, what happened, why am I here and what happened to Rainbow?"

"Idiot guards thought I was searching for you because you did something wrong. The shorten version is that Rainbow defended you, guards attack, you got hurt and brought here. As for Rainbow, he went with his guardian for now." Dark explained.

"Oh" Light said, "Why were you looking for me anyway?"

A seductive smirk upon Dark's face, "Do you know what's special about today?"

Light shook his head.

Dark pick up Light by his legs making the smaller wrap them around his waist and place his hands on Dark's shoulders.


"Today is your birthday so you are officially my bride" Dark said then pulled Light close to kiss him.

Light was surprised, for one he forgot it was his birthday and two, at Dark's sudden actions. Though what do you expect from someone who couldn't wait to marry the person he/she loves since they were eighteen.

The white Steve soon kissed back as Dark walk over to the bed and laid his soon to be wife down, breaking the kiss.

"You look so good in my clothes" Dark whispered as his hands went down Light's side until he reach the end of the shirt, "But I want to see your beautiful body"

Dark pulled the shirt off his love to reveal Light's pale skin and the shorts that were hidden under the large shirt.

"So beautiful" Dark said amazed. He wasn't allowed to see Light like this until now.

"D-Dark" Light said nervously.

"Don't worry love, I'll take care of you" Dark said.

The older Steve kissed Light's lips before making his way down to his stomach. Along the way, he made sure Light was covered with his marking so everyone know that they are bonded now. While Dark did this, Light let out soft moans and grip Dark's black hair tightly, but not tight enough to hurt the older. Once Dark reach the pale stomach, he lightly nuzzled it.

"You don't know how much I love you" Dark said before going back up and kissing Light once again.

"I'm glad you asked for me to marry you" Light said when they broke the kiss.

"And I'm glad you said yes to be my wife"


Word count: 1042

Requests remining: 14

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