(20) DarkSabre

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Dark Steve x FavremySabre

I just found out that Sabre has green eyes (I think from what I read), but I decided for him to have grey ones because that's what I thought he has and I'm just going to stick with it.


A scared Sabre sat alone in his and Lucas' shared room. Earlier that day him, Rainbow and Lucas found that Dark was back and stronger that ever. Once they got back to the Rainbow Town, Sabre ran into his shared room and stayed in there for hours. He was thankful his friends understood and left him alone. It's not like he's afraid of Dark instead he is afraid  of what he could do to him and everyone else.  

As he sat on the bed with his knees in his chest, he heard music that made him feel very sleepy soon enough the human was fast asleep. What he did not know was that a figure in the shadows is the cause of the music to play and then stop once he knew the human was fast asleep. He step out of the shadows to reveal Dark himself. The Steve's piercing red eyes stared at the human's sleeping form and did not once look away as he approach the bed. 

Dark pulled out a bright pink potion and a small bag. He carefully pulled off the bandanna used to cover Sabre's and sprinkle the dust in the bag over his closed eyes. He then open the potion and poured it into Sabre's mouth. The Steve only stopped when Sabre sat up coughing and open his eyes to reveal scared light grey eyes that are clouded just a bit.

Sabre woke up to the feeling of something being poured down his throat. Immediately he sat up coughing to get any liquid out of his lungs. Once he was done, he notice something extremely scary: he couldn't see anything and did not feel his bandanna on his face. Sabre started to hyperventilate and ran his hands through his hair. When he tried to get up, he found himself to be push back down onto the bed by a hand on his chest.

This threw Sabre into more of panic, he couldn't even scream since he was so scared. Dark look down upon the small human under his hand, he was so vulnerable in this state that Dark had to hold himself back. First thing first: he has to calm Sabre down. Dark got on the bed and straddle the human who panic even more when he felt an increase of weight on top of him. 

"Shh, it will be fine" Sabre didn't know why, but he calmed when he heard the voice.

"W-who" Sabre breathed.

Dark chuckled, the potion worked. He grab both of Sabre's wrists with on hand and held them above his head. Meanwhile, Sabre did not put up with any struggle, instead he let it happen. Dark nuzzled his head into Sabre's neck who tilt his head to let Dark have more access.

"I've been waiting to do this. To see you under me in your most vulnerable" Dark used his other hand to stroke Sabre's cheek before his thumb trailed off over to his lips. Dark leaned in before he knew it and started to kiss Sabre softly. Sabre was surprised by this suddenness, but kissed back nevertheless. 

Dark released Sabre's wrists that immediately wrap around the Steve's neck and wrap his legs around his waist. Eventually Dark pulled away so both could get air and went to attack Sabre's neck. Between kissing and licking, Sabre was a moaning mess.

"You are truly adorable Sabre" Dark said in between. Sabre couldn't say anything, his brain was like mush. 

As much as Dark enjoyed his time with Sabre, his time was almost up. Giving on last kiss on Sabre's lips, Dark pulled away leaving a whimpering human.

"Don't worry sabre, I'll come again" 'And hopefully when you're not under the influence of a potion' With that Dark left the room, though not before he put Sabre's bandanna back on. Sabre sat there in a dream like state only to be awaken when he heard a knock on the door.

"C-come in" The door open to reveal Lucas carrying in a tray of food.

"Hey brought you some- holly Notch is that a bruise on your neck!"     


Word Count: 734

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