(34) BlueBow

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Rainbow Steve x Blue Steve (Steve Saga Origins)

I don't know about all of you, but I was kind of cried when I was writing this. I don't know why.


Rainbow could not stop sobbing, Blue - his best friend - was actually gone. He sacrifice himself to make Rainbow even stronger than he was before to protect everyone. However, even though Blue helped Rainbow's physical state, no one could fix his mental state. 

Yes Rainbow manage to defeat Dark and Nightmare with his new powers, he wished that he didn't. Those powers belonged to Blue, the Steve that truly saved the world.

"Why did you have to leave? I could have saved you. I-I could have" Rainbow trembled as tears rolled down his face that fell onto a black cloth. The cloth that Rainbow held oh so gentle, belonged to Blue who had worn it around his neck ever since they met.

"I-I'm so sorry Blue. It should have been me. It should have been me!" Rainbow yelled at the top of his lungs, "I shouldn't have let you involved yourself in this. If I never met you then you would still be alive, you would still be smiling and laughing!"

"I can't go on without you Blue! You're the only reason I continued! You're the reason that everyone is safe!" Rainbow cried, "You're the reason that I could smile! The reason I never gave up no matter how hard it got! You're were everything to me Blue!"

Rainbow continued to sob, he had curled himself in a ball clutching Blue's bandanna close to his chest.

"I need you Blue... I don't want to live in a world without you" Rainbow sat up and pulled out a sword, the very one that destroyed Dark and Nightmare. He knows that Blue would be disappointed with him, but Blue wasn't here.

Before Rainbow could do anything, he felt arms wrap around his waist and a head on his back.

"Don't Rainbow"

"I don't want to live in a world without you" Rainbow whimpered laying the sword down.

Blue crawled onto Rainbow's lap and hugged him, "Rain, please, I don't want to see you in so much pain"

Rainbow held Blue tightly, "I can't Blue, I can't without you"

"Rain, I'll always be with you no matter what." Blue rubbed Rainbow's back, "As a Steve, a friend, a foe, a spirit or another being. I will always be with you"

"Why did you go?" Rainbow whimpered, "Why did you leave me? I could have saved you"

"We both know you couldn't, my body couldn't handle the injuries inflicted on me."

"If I didn't touch that relic-"

"Don't think about that, nether of us knew and we were warned so it both of our fault" Blue let out light laugh, "Even if I had my powers, it would only delay the inevitable. I was meant to die so you could have the power to save the world"

"Anyone else in the world could have died, but why you? Your the sweetest and most innocent of them all"

"Rain, please, I was holding you back anyway and it was the only way to save the-"

"The world could burn for all I care" Rainbow growled, "And you never held me back, you were the reason I continued forward. If you weren't there then I would have given up a long time ago."


"I was foretold to be this world's beacon of hope, but you were the beacon of hope all this time Blue. You were my light in all of this darkness, you never gave up hope and you always put on a smile no matter what." Rainbow pulled away from Blue just enough so they were looking eye to eye, "Blue, I love you, more than anything in this world and I wish I would have told you earlier before you-"

Rainbow was cut off when he felt a pair of lips on his.

"I love you too Rain" Blue smile.

Rainbow pushed a lock of blue hair out of Blue's face then lowered it down to his cheek feeling the Blue Steve's soft skin. They lend in for another kiss which both enjoyed very much. The two Steve sat in the same position until Rainbow fell asleep, that's when Blue got away from Rainbow's hold.

"You'll find me again Rain, never forget me" Blue whispered into Rainbow's ear. He then put a hand on the bandanna in Rainbow's grasp, "Keep him happy and safe, protect him and care for him"

A blue light appeared around the bandanna before fading when Blue took his hand away and started to walk away.

"I love you Rain, I love so much. And when you appear in the Spirit World, we can finally be together. Remember this Rain, you have to go by fate's plan or else you'll hurt those around you"


Word count: 820

Requests remaining: 0

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