(29) RedGreen

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Red Steve x Green Steve (Steve Saga Origins)

Requested by XxRoboticLauncherxX


After Rainbow and Green gave Red red color flower, Red let them into his house where he gave them a tour. He was happy that they like his home, especially Green. Rainbow was just happy that Rad agreed to help them find Blue and fight against Nightmare.

"We should head out soon to find Blue" Green said.

"But it's almost night time." Rainbow said pointing out that the sun was indeed setting, "Hey Red, can we spend the night here then leave in the morning?"

Red nodded very happy and lead them to the guest room.

"Unfortunately, there is one bed so someone sleep on the couch" Red said.

Green let out a sign, "Rainbow take the bed, I got the couch"

"But Green-"

"No arguing Rainbow" Green was tired. It had been a day for him and it drained him.

"Alright, goodnight Green and thank you Red" Rainbow went into guest room leaving Green and Red to their devices.

Green look over to Red who has been staring at him for a while.

"Is there something on my face?" Green ask as he started to rub his face.

"No," Red grab both of Green's hand and look into his green eyes that are mixed with red, "Your eyes are really pretty."

Green's face flush a mixture of red and green, "You look cute all flustered"

"Y-you're just saying that because you like the color red" Green rolled his eyes as he tried to get Red to let go of his hand, "Let me go Red"

Red shook his head and leaned in closer to Green who leaned back to get some distance between them.

"Ever heard of personal space" Green grumbled averting his eyes away from Red's red ones.

"I have, but you are too pretty to stray far from" 

"Do you know what you're even saying?"

"Yes I do"

Green pulled back hard and the result was him falling onto the couch bringing Red down on top of him.

Green let out a groan feeling Red's weight on top of him.

"You look cuter in this position" Red said. Green's hair was messy, he look up at Red with his bright green eyes and his face was flushed red with little green.

"Red got off me and go to your room" Red look disappointed, but got off of Green who sat up and signed. Green thought Red would go to his room like he said, instead Red pick up Green bridal style. Not expecting Red's action, Green held onto the first thing he could hold: Red's neck.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Red said nothing as he entered his room and put Green down on his bed before he climb in.

"R-Red?" The very Steve pulled Green close to him and held him, "Wh-what are y-you-"

"I do like red, but I also like green. I never found anything a mixture of both. That was until I met you" Red said in Green's hair.

"I knew you only like me because of colors" Green mumbled.

"I like red and I like green, but I love you" Green's eyes widen. He tried to look up at Red, but Red was holding him to where he couldn't.

"R-Red I-I" 

Red petted Green's and whispered, "Go to sleep"

Green did just that as he curled himself into Red who smiled before falling asleep himself. He was very happy that he finally told the Green his feelings after all these years. 


Word count: 594    

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