(51) TimeSabre Part 3

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Better do this before it is lost in the abyss of chapters.


Time woke up from the rays of the sun, but he pulled the covers over his head not wanting to get up anytime soon. Unconsciously, Time reach out to the human who he slept with, only to find the spot was empty. Jolting up in worry, the Steve looked around the room only to stop when he heard a chuckle from the blonde who was standing next to the window drinking coffee.

"He's downstairs, said he didn't want to wake you" Lucas smiled as he walk over to the Steve and ruffled his black hair, "So how did you sleep?"

"Fine" Time smiled nervously. He glanced back and forth between his hands and to Lucas. Last night he had ask Sabre to be his mom and he really wants to know if Lucas could be his dad.

Lucas notice this and asked, "Is something wrong Time?"

"I-I asked Sabre t-to be m-my mom l-last n-night" Time stuttered badly, "A-And I-I"

Putting down his coffee, Lucas pulled Time into a comforting hug to calm him down before he has a panic attack.  

"Breath Time, there's no rush"

The Steve did as Lucas said and calmed down after a few minutes before he tried to ask the blonde again.

"I-I want to know if you want to be my dad?" Time asked.

"I thought I was after you asked Sabre that, but yes I will be your dad" Lucas smiled and ruffled the Steve's hair.

Time smiled as much as he could and gave Lucas the biggest hug he mustered.

"Thank you dad"

"You're welcome, now let's go downstairs with the others" Lucas suggested.

Time nodded, grab Lucas by the hand and drag him downstairs.


Sabre and Light were making breakfast while Rainbow and Elemental played a card game when they heard two sets of feet coming down the stairs.

"Hey Time, Lucas" Rainbow greeted.

"Hey everyone, Elemental guess what!" Time didn't give his brother a chance to answer, "We got a mom and dad"

Everyone except Sabre and Lucas looked at Time as though he was crazy, especially Elemental who also had a bit of sadness mixed in.

"Time what are you talking about?" Elemental asked.

Grabbing his brother's hand, Time drag him over to the two humans.

"This is mom" *Points at Sabre* "and this is dad" *Points to Lucas* "I asked if they could be our parents and they said yes. We're finally a family!"

Elemental felt a ping of hurt hit his heart, this is what he wanted all his life. This is why he hurt Time for because he was angry he didn't have a family. This is what caused Time to feel so lonely when Elemental said they weren't a family without parents. Elemental could only look at Time with sad filled eyes and the younger noticed this and frowned as well.

"Aren't you happy?"

"Time, I am but-" Elemental was cut off when Time started to cry.

"I-I thought you wanted a family I thought we would be a family" Time hiccup. Sabre hug Time who barely acknowledge him.

"Time, you can't force them to be our parents" Elemental tried to reason.

"But I asked, they said yes." Time said hoping his brother would see that he wasn't forcing them.

"He did Elemental" Lucas said trying to help Time, "You haven't known us for long, but about everyone thinks of us as parents. Time only asked to call us that."

Elemental frowned and look back at his brother who was sobbing in Sabre's chest. Light came over to help comfort the younger while Rainbow stood next to Lucas and glared at Elemental.

"But that doesn't mean your our parents" Elemental signed.

"So that means I'm not your brother?" Time asked shocking everyone in the room, "You said we can't be a family without parents. Did you ever want me to be your brother?"

"Time no, I meant, I" Elemental was lost at words. He didn't know why he was arguing, he was more than happy for the two humans to be their parents. Based on the events over the years, Elemental guess he's prone to push everyone away. All his brother wanted was someone, and was the only one in the beginning.

"Elemental, you don't have to think of us as parents if you don't want to" Sabre suggested.

Elemental shook his head, he needed to stop pushing everyone away, he needs to be there for his baby brother.

"I'm sorry, I am so use to pushing everyone away and I need to stop. That's something you taught me, mom" Elemental smiled. He felt someone squeeze him and seen it was Time hugging him. 

"Thank you"

"Anytime little brother" Elemental look at Lucas and said, "Thank you too, dad."

Lucas smiled as he, Sabre, Light and Rainbow went in for a group hug.

"Now I have a mom, a dad, two brothers and a sister" Time smiled.

Rainbow eyes widen, "Wait, the only ones left are Light and I, who's the sister!?"

Guess who the sister is

Word count: 816

Requests remaining: 11

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