(48) SabreLucas

753 13 6

FavremySabre x ThelSpike

Requested by GalaxyChan6

A very late request

Human world


Lucas was woke up to the smell of bacon cooking (Bacon = Life) and headed downstairs, still in his blue pajamas, to see Sabre, who was in his regular attire consisting of white shirt and black jeans, cooking. The blonde leaned against the wall watching Sabre cooking breakfast for the both of them.

It has been almost a week since Lucas came and moved back in with Sabre. To be honest, moving away for a few years away from Sabre was kind of hard on Lucas. He missed waking up to his cooking, playing games, talking to him; he missed seeing those calming grey eyes, that bright smile. Lucas let out a sign, here he goes again. A few weeks after moving away from Sabre, Lucas realized that he has feelings for his best friend, in fact, Sabre is the main reason he wanted to come back as soon as possible.

Lucas snapped out of his thoughts when he felt a hand on his shoulder and a familiar voice calling out for him.

"Lucas, hey Lucas." Sabre said, "Come on man, talk to me"

Sabre had finished cooking breakfast for him and Lucas, and setting up the table. He noticed Lucas when he went to set the table then notice that his friend has not moved at all, not even after he called out his name.

"Lucas!" Sabre finally yelled.

The blonde blinked and finally responded to the brunette, "Yes Sabre"

Sabre let out a sign, "I've been calling out for you for a bit"

"Sorry Sabre" Lucas rubbed the back of his neck.

Sabre rolled his eyes and then smiled, "It's okay man, come on, I made bacon, eggs and toast."

The two sat down and started to eat, making conversation with each other, occasionally Lucas would glace at Sabre without him noticing. Lucas really wants to tell him, he really does, but the fear of rejection made its way to his thoughts.

"Hey, are you all right Lucas?"

Lucas look up to see Sabre standing next to him with a worried expression.

"I'm fine, why do you ask?"

"You barely ate anything" 

Lucas look down at his plate and notice he hasn't touch anything while Sabre finished his food, usually it was Lucas who finished first.

"You're right" Lucas got up, "I guess I'm not really hungry"

Before Lucas could pick up his plate, Sabre put his hand on his shoulder.

"I'll clean up, you go get dress"

"Thanks Sabre"

"Anytime fam"


After getting dress, Lucas look at himself in the mirror having a mental battle with himself about telling Sabre his feelings or not.

'What if he rejects me? Will he still be my friend or leave me?  Why does this have to be so hard?' Several thoughts ran through his head until Lucas finally made up his mind.

Once again Lucas walk downstairs, but this time he heard humming of a familiar song. Looking into the kitchen, there stood Sabre washing the dishes while humming. As quiet as he could be, Lucas walk over to Sabre and hugged him from behind. Sabre jumped and turned around ready to fight, but when he noticed it was Lucas, he relaxed.

"Oh hey Lucas" Sabre smiled, he then noticed the look on Lucas' face, "Lucas? Are you okay?"

"I-I need to tell you something S-Sabre" Lucas stuttered. A light blushed formed on his face as he prepares himself.

"What is it Lu? You an tell me anything"

"Sabre, I-I-I" He was scared, Lucas was so scared.

"Lucas what's-" Sabre was cut off when he felt a pair of lips of his.

Lucas knew couldn't say it so he gathered all of his courage and show what he wanted Sabre to know. Seconds later, Lucas pulled and look away from Sabre; he was still hold Sabre who was in shook from what his best friend did.

"Sabre, I-I'm sorry. I sh-shouldn't have-" This time it was Sabre who cut off Lucas, but he didn't say anything.

The roles had change, but Sabre pulled away with a smile and looked Lucas in the eye instead of looking away.

"I never said I didn't like it" Sabre whispered.

"S-Sabre" Lucas was speechless at this point, "I-I l-love you S-Sa, no" Lucas shook his head and hugged Sabre tighter, "I love you Elan"

"I love you too Lucas" Sabre smiled and hugged Lucas back.


Word count: 747

Requests remaining: 3

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