(80) PlagueLucas

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Plague Steve x ThelSpike

I know there's a lot of 'xLucas' someone requested a few of them at the same time and due to my rule about doing requests in order, that's why their are so many. Also, you won't believe how many requests I have left to do. This would have been longer, but I just stopped.

Requested by MelissaC2000


Plague was wondering through out the Rainbow Town while thinking about a certain human that some how weaved his way into his heart. Lucas Spike, the blonde that the Steve hopelessly fell in love with after spending time with him. Plague wants to spend more time with the blonde, but he was too nervous to do so. After many discussions with himself about the pros and cons, the blue/green Steve decided to ask the one person who made any sense in this world: Sabre.

It was easy to find the brunette, just follow the sound of screaming or lightning from machines or laughter.  Plague walk over to Sabre who was talking to Light.

"Hey Sabre"

"Oh hey Plague, what's up man?" Sabre ask.

Plague gulped nervously, regretting his decision just a bit, before he work up the courage to speak, "S-Sabre I-I need your a-advice" Plague mentally cursed himself for stuttering.

"Advice for what? Are you okay?" Sabre asked worriedly.   

Light look up from what he was doing, curious to why Plague was so nervous. Usually the Steve is calm and collected, one of the smartest of them and the one who shows the least amount of emotions. Plague glanced at Light and the white Steve knew that he wanted to speak to the human alone.

"We'll continue this once you two get down" Light said softly and walk away from the two to give them some privacy.

The blue/green Steve mentally thank Light for knowing what he needed then turned his attention on Sabre who repeated his questions once again.

"I'm fine. I just want to ask you a-about L-L-Lucas"

"What about Lucas?" Sabre asked, he then noticed the faint blush on Plague's cheeks, "Um, Plague, do you like Lucas?"

"W-What give you th-that idea?" Plague said trying to laugh it off.

Sabre signed at Plague's attempt to not be obvious and then started to list some stuff off that he knows Lucas likes and doesn't like. As he spoke, Plague took all of the information in and started to plan the perfect date with Lucas in his head. Afterwards, Plague thanked Sabre and went to get everything ready for tomorrow.

Sabre watch Plague run off as Light walk next to him, both hoped that everything goes right because it was known that Plague was a perfectionist when it comes to his plans.


The next day

Lucas was waiting outside of the Rainbow Town gate for Plague who asked him out of the blue if he wanted to the spend day with him. The blonde asked Sabre if he knew anything of the Steve's behavior and all he got was 'you'll find out, that's if everything goes the way it should'. At this point Lucas was doubting it since it's suppose to rain today, but for Plague's sake, he hope it holds out. He had a small crush on the Steve, but doubt it seriously that Plague had any of the same feelings that Lucas had for him.


The blonde turned his attention to the direction where he heard his name to see Plague running to him with something in his hand. When Plague reach the human, he was out of breath and that worried Lucas quiet a bit.

"Are you okay Plague?" Lucas asked rubbing the Steve's back.

"I-I'm s-sorry" Plague breathed hard, "I-I had t-to h-help-"

"Hey, hey, get your breath back, there's no hurry" Lucas said trying calm Plague.

Plague took Lucas' advice and calmed down before he spoke, "I'm sorry, oh these are for you"

Lucas chuckled slightly when Plague held out a stem with three or four almost-ready-to-fall-off petals to him. Plague blushed out of embarrassment and tried to explain what it was suppose to be, but Lucas took it and stuck it behind his hair giving Plague a soft smile. After Plague mentally calmed himself for ruining the beginning of their date and took Lucas by his hand to lead him to their next location. They soon arrived on a grassy hill where a picnic basket on top of a blanket waiting for them. 

"This is nice Plague" Lucas smiled brightly.

"Thank you" Plague smiled back relieved that everything was going alright.

The two sat down, took out the food from the basket and were about to eat when a strong gust of wind blew Lucas' hat off of his head down the hill. The blonde was about to get up to get it, but Plague already got up and went to get it. Plague's hand was an inch away from touching the hat when the wind picked it up again and Plague had to jog to grab it. 

"Plague look out!" Lucas yelled when he noticed Plague, who didn't seem to notice, running towards a tree root.

Before Plague could stop to ask Lucas what he meant, he tripped on the branch, roll down the hill only to stop when he hit a tree. Lucas ran to him with the blanket just in case it was need, avoiding the root that caused the Steve to trip and picked up his hat that laid not too far. After checking for any serious injuries, Lucas came to the conclusion that Plague only sprang his ankle.

"This was not suppose to happen" Plague mumbled.

"Hey don't get do on yourself. Things like this happen" Lucas said to lighten the Steve's spirits.

Plague buried his head into hands, "Things like this never happened to me! Everything I do is exactly the way I want it"

Lucas finished wrapping Plague's ankle then gave the Steve a hug to comfort him.

"What did you want to go so perfect? I mean you just wanted to hang out with me right?"

"No, there's more to that" Plague look up into Lucas' blue eyes, "I wanted this day to go perfect because...because I wanted to get you to like me"

"But I do like you" Lucas frowned.

"No, I mean like me, like me" Plague signed, "Never mind, its dumb"

"Its not dumb and who said I just like you? You didn't have to do all of this to get my interest because you already did."

Plague's eyes widen, "L-Lu mph!"

"I love you Plague, I really do" Lucas smiled as he pulled away, "and you don't have to do anything to impress me"


Word count: 1112

Requests remaining: 13

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