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Infinity Steve x FavremySabre

Requested by VanaTheDevilishAngel


Infinity felt himself gain conscious for the first time in decades, this meant that Positive and Negative finally regain the knowledge of the machine to fuse them to create him once again. Looking through their memories, Infinity found that it was because of a human who made machines is the reason they knew how to. The Steve look around his surroundings when he heard yelling and saw two humans and a colorful Steve running. The one who served the greatest purpose in his awakening is also the greatest threat if the cards were in his favor. Another serves the same as the first, but much less as a threat. And the last one is a threat with powers, but without them, he's nothing.

Infinity followed the three, soon he cornered them in a cave that they used to try to hide from him, well two of them, the third must have got separated when he was firing fireballs at them earlier. The two were afraid, but try their best not to show it and try to cause damage to the fused Steve, but they were no match.

"This is it for you two" Infinity declared readying a fireball that will surely end them.

"We're going to die!" Rainbow cried.

Lucas didn't say anything, this was their end, but he was prying to Notch that Sabre will come and distract the powerful Steve. A distraction is what they needed for Lucas to mine a way out for him and Rainbow.

'Sabre if you were going to do anything, now is a good time'

Knowing his best friend like the back of his hand, Sabre appeared and hit Infinity with a sword making the Steve lose his concentration and gave time for Lucas to mine a way out for him and Rainbow. Infinity became angered that his targets go away, but when he saw who was the cause, a smirk replaced his frown in a heart beat.

"You made a mistake, Sabre" Infinity chuckled.

Sabre, who didn't hear what Infinity said, ran to meet his friends a few blocks away from the area they were just in. 


The said human say Lucas and Rainbow waving at him near a pond where they came out from, better wet than dead. The three ran to meet in the middle, but one didn't make it. Lucas and Rainbow froze in their tracks when they saw Sabre lifted in the air by the Steve they thought they got away from.

"Let him/me go!" 

"Afraid not, out of all of you, you" Infinity looks at Sabre, "are the reason I was able to wake yet could be the cause of my destruction"

"H-How-" Sabre asked shaken.

"Hey! Let him go!" Rainbow shouted as he got a bow and arrow ready to fire at the Steve, but Lucas stopped him from firing.


"Hit Infinity, Sabre will fall or you could hit Sabre" Lucas somewhat reasoned. 

Infinity smirked and raised an arm, not the one holding Sabre, readying to fire a fireball.

"Now," Infinity whispered in Sabre's ear, not looking away from the two on the ground, "if you come willingly, I won't hurt them, but if you don't then..."

"I'll do anything, just don't hurt them please" Sabre begged.

"Sabre don't!" Lucas yelled. He knows that face, he knows when Sabre gives up.

Infinity chuckled before teleporting away with Sabre in his arms leaving Rainbow crying and Lucas screaming.


Sabre was blinded by the white light from teleporting. Once his vision cleared, Sabre noticed that he was in a somewhat large cell with several double chests on one side of the room. Looking around, Sabre's locked eyes with Inifity who was standing right behind him.

"Wh-Where am I?" Sabre asked with a bit of fear in his voice.

"We're in the base that Positive and Negative made" Inifinity said bored playing with Sabre's hair, "Since I have their memories, I know everything that they know. And from what I could tell, you're the reason I was able to exist once again yet you are the one who could cause my demise"

"I-I'm the r-reason?" Sabre asked in shock.

"Yes, they had forgotten over the years how to fuse so they used the machine you made to fuse Rainbow and Light to make Ultra." Infinity explained, "I don't know what to do with you: should I keep you or should I destroy you?"

Sabre's eyes widen and tried to get away from the Steve who wasn't fazed as he wrapped an arm around Sabre's midsection.

"Hmmm, you are my biggest threat and when you're gone, I could rule as I want without much interference. But, I do have use for you" Infinity turned Sabre around, "Besides, you're too cute to hurt"

"C-Cute? I'm not cute" Sabre pouted, "And let me go!"

" 'fraid not Sabre, I can't someone of your abilities go." Infinity frowned.

"You really think I would do anything for you!?" Sabre growled.

Infinity hummed, "Maybe to protect, oh I don't know, your friends" 

The Steve's smirk got bigger when he felt the human tense in his arms. He knows he struck a nerve base on Sabre's response and now he has the human wrap around his fingers.

"Wh-What do you want?"

"Build me a machine that increases my powers and" Infinity lowered his head to Sabre's ear, "be mine. If you comply, I won't hurt your friends unless they get in my way. Deal?"

Sabre nodded his head

"I need a verbal response Sabre"



Word count: 940

Requests remaining: 3

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