(21) DarkSabre Pt2

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Requested by GalaxyChan6


"C-come in" The door open to reveal Lucas carrying in a tray of food.

"Hey brought you some- holly Notch is that a bruise on your neck!"  


Lucas practically yelled when he saw the bruise on Sabre's neck while the other covered it with his hand. Sabre frankly tried to find something to show him what Lucas saw and to see for himself if it is true. Noticing what his chicken-suit friend was looking for, Lucas walk over quickly, put the food he brought for Sabre on his nightstand and gave Sabre the tray. The moment Lucas offered the tray to him, Sabre took it then stared at his reflection: there was not only one bruise, there were multiple. Some were lighter than others, but there was one that stood out the most: just above where his neck and shoulder joined. Sabre screamed when he saw his reflection and look up at his friend as tears soak his bandanna

"L-Lucas" Sabre said fearfully. Lucas imminently took the tray away from Sabre, got on the bed and pulled his friend in a comforting hug in which Sabre returned as he buried his head into the blonde's chest.

"What happened Sabre?"

"I-I don't know. I was sitting on the bed when I heard some music that made me fall asleep. Then I woke up when I felt liquid running down my throat and couldn't see. Lucas I did not have my bandanna on" Sabre cried.

"Calm down Sabre, it'll be fine" Lucas said to sooth the shaken brunette. He ran his hand up and down Sabre's back and felt him relax. The two sat in peace, enjoy one another's company. That was until,

"What happened!?" The humans were startled to hear their colorful friend yell. They look up to see Rainbow with two sticks in his hands ready to fight, "I heard screaming so I got sticks to fight"

The two giggled at Rainbow's actions.

"What? What so funny?" Rainbow asked confused. He then notice that bruises on Sabre's neck and ran over to check his friend.

"Sabre! Are you hurt?" Rainbow ask worrying. He cuffed his hands on both sides of Sabre's cheek and turned his head so he could look at the bruises from different angles.

"He's fine Rainbow, sometimes we wake up with random bruises" Lucas somewhat lied. Neither him nor Sabre know where Sabre got the bruises, but it was the closest thing to the truth. 

(I don't know if this is true, but sometimes I do wake up with random bruises)

Rainbow did not buy it, but he dropped it as they sat on Sabre's bed and chatted for a bit while Sabre ate the breakfast Lucas got him earlier.


Later that day, Sabre went on a walk to clear his head. Lucas went to his world bring a stubborn Rainbow who did not want to leave Sabre behind. After some convincing, Rainbow did leave and promise to come back soon. It did feel odd to be alone in the Rainbow Town, but felt nice for once. 

After some time, Sabre rested under the Rainbow Tree of Life and felt himself relax.


He watch him sit down on the ground under the giant tree. The human look so peaceful that he had to hold himself back from attacking him again. Maybe one proper encounter would not hurt. As silent as he could be, he walk in front of the human who squeak as he tried to crawl away.

"D-Dark!?" Sabre crawled away while trying to stand up, but he was pulled back down when Dark grab his ankle and pulled him closer to him.

"Hello Sabre" Dark grinned. He has the human right where he wants him.

Dark pulled Sabre closer to him, barely feeling the kicks that he did to him.

"L-let me go!" Sabre struggled.

"Oh Sabre, I thought you wanted to continue what we started earlier" Dark manage to pull Sabre onto his lap with him in between Sabre's legs as Sabre face him. The one thing that kept Sabre from falling in Dark were his arms holding both of the Steve's shoulders.

"Wh- wait" Sabre's eyes widen in realization, "Y-you gave me" he gestured to the bruises on his neck.

Dark hummed as he rub the bruises, favoring the darkest one, "I did and I'm planning to do more, though not just on your neck."

Sabre tried to push away from the Steve, but the arm around his back prevents him from doing so. Dark pulled him closer to the point if one of them moved their lips would touch.

"Don't pull away, Sabre." Sabre did not comprehend what Dark said until he felt a pair of lips on his. The brunette shut his eyes tightly and grabbed the fabric of Dark's shirt tightly.

Dark pulled away and growled, "Accept me FavremySabre"

Sabre's eyes widen at the sound of his full name and Dark took advantage of Sabre's shock state by kissing him harder than he did before. It took no time for Sabre to kiss back and wrap his arms around Dark's neck.

"Do you accept me?" Dark whispered in Sabre's ear.

"I accept you" 

Dark push him on to the ground with him towering the human, "Louder"

"I accept you" Sabre said louder.

"Louder" Dark went to the darkest bruise and bit it causing Sabre to yell.

"I accept you!" 

"Good" Dark pulled back to look down upon the panting human. He lifted Sabre's bandanna to the point where you can see one of his eyes and went down very close to Sabre's ear.

"You're mine Favremysabre"


Word Count: 945

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