(38) NegativeSabre

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Negative Steve x FavremySabre

Requested by Sworflame12


Sabre was cooking some food for him and Negative since Lucas, Positive, Rainbow and a few other Steves were out. As Sabre was cooking, he failed to notice someone enter the kitchen and slowly made their way over to the unexpecting human. Sabre was so thankful that he had a wooden spoon instead of a knife because when he felt hands on his shoulders, he used that spoon as a weapon.

"Ow" Negative said rubbing his cheek where Sabre hit him.

Sabre's eyes widen, "Negative, I am so sorry. It was out of instincts I swear"

"Man, I'm just glad you didn't have a knife." Negative chuckled.

"That makes two of us" Sabre lightly chuckled, but his attention was on the red spot on Negative's face, "I'm sorry Negative"

"Hey, hey, I was my fault for scaring you" Negative admitted then look over Sabre's shoulder to see what he was cooking, "So what are you making" 

"Oh, I just finished making mushroom stew and I'm about to make some brownies. What to help?"


Sabre told Negative what to do as he started to mix the ingredients together after putting the pan into the oven Sabre treated himself to the leftover batter on the spatula, leaving the bowl alone.

"I love eating the leftover batter" Sabre smiled licking the spatula clean.

"Then why do you bake it if you like the batter so much" Negative asked rinsing the bowl out.

"Because the batter is actually bad for you. I use to try to eat more of the batter until one day I got sick because of it so I only eat the leftovers" Sabre smiled and rinsed the spatula.

When Sabre turned to face Negative, the Steve couldn't help, but to chuckle.


"You got some batter on you're face" Negative chuckle.

"Where?" Sabre said trying to wipe it off.

"Right" Negative licked the corner of Sabre's lips, "there"   

Sabre's cheeks were dusted in light red, "N-Negative"

The Steve licked his lips, "That is good, very sweet."

"H-Hey Negative" Sabre said.


"You got some too"

"Oh? Where?"

"Right" Sabre put a finger with batter on it on Negative's nose, "there"


"Yep" Sabre giggled and started to run out of the kitchen with Negative right behind.

"Get back here Sabre"

"You'll have to catch me first!"

Negative almost got one of Sabre's sleeves, but the human dodged just before he could.

"Miss miss me now you gotta kiss me- eeek" Sabre squeaked when he was suddenly hoisted off of his feet.

"Gotcha" Negative said proudly.

"Let me go" Sabre struggled.

"Only if you kiss me"

"Fine" Sabre pouted.

Negative put Sabre down and turned him around. Sabre smiled and kissed Negative on the nose, getting the chocolate batter off of his nose.


"You never said where" Sabre giggled.

"No more sweets for you mister"

"Nooooo" Sabre whined as Negative hauled him over his shoulder and walk to the human's room.    


Word count: 521

Requests remaining: 6

Thought I smelled something sweet when writing this and it turned out to be a candle

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