(45) UltraSabre

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Ultra Steve x FavremySabre

Requested by Sworflame12


Sabre woke up from the sun's rays, but he didn't want to get up at all. Lately, he hasn't been feeling so good and he only felt worse each passing day. Knowing that he had to get some rest to get better, Sabre decided to stayed in bed for the day and get some sleep. However, just as he started to doze off, he heard a knock on his door.

"Sabre, are you in there?" Ultra asked knocking on Sabre's bedroom door. 

Rainbow got worried when the human didn't show up for breakfast and started to search for him. Being the only rational Steve in the town as of now, Ultra went to look in the human's room.

"Sabre?" Ultra knocked once again and heard a quiet 'come in'.

When Ultra entered Sabre's room, he was met with an unexpected sight: Sabre was sitting up sweating, flush face, and very tired.

"Oh my Sabre!" 

"Hey *cough* Ultra" Sabre said with a tired smile.

Ultra rushed over to the human, pushed him down onto the bed and pulled the covers over him then felt his forehead.

"You're burning up" Ultra said in a worried tone.

"I just need *cough* some *cough* rest" Sabre forced himself to say. His voice was killing him with every word he said, thankfully, Ultra noticed.

The Steve ran his hand through Sabre's wet hair, "I'll go make you something to eat and some water."

"Th-Thanks Ul-Ultra" Sabre said before falling asleep.

Ultra smiled at the human before exiting the room and closed the door behind him. When Ultra got down stairs, he only saw Ghost and Plague.

"Where is everyone?" Ultra asked as he went to make Sabre something.

"The others decided to go out for a bit" Ghost replied.

"What 'cha making Ultra?" Plague asked seeing Ultra making soup.

"Sabre's got a fever and I'm making him something he can stomach"

"Do you need any help?" Ghost offered.

Ultra shook his head, "I got it, thanks for asking"

The two nodded and went back to what they were doing as Ultra went back to Sabre's room where he saw Sabre awake.

"Shouldn't you be resting"

"Can't sleep" Sabre grumbled.

(It's hard for me sleep when I'm sick, I can't even take a nap) 

Ultra gave Sabre a sympathy smile as he walk over to the sick human's bed and help him sit up so Ultra could feed him.

"I can feed myself Ultra" Sabre whined when Ultra put a spoon of soup near his mouth.

"But I want to" Ultra whined back with a smile.

Sabre signed in defeat and open his mouth to let Ultra feed him. Once he was done, Sabre laid back down and Ultra put the bowl onto the nightstand.

"How are you feeling?" Ultra asked running his hand through Sabre's sweaty hair.

"A bit better" Sabre mumbled as he started to doze off.

Thinking that Sabre was asleep, Ultra pulled his hand away and started to walk out of the human's room when he was stopped. Ultra turned to see Sabre holding his hand.


"C-Can you stay for a bit?" Sabre asked with pleading eyes.

Ultra sat at the edge of Sabre's, "I'll stay until you fall asleep"

"Thank you" Sabre smile, "Um Ultra, can, can you..."

"Can I what?" 

Sabre grab one of Ultra's hands and put it on his head.

"Oh" Ultra said understanding what Sabre meant, "You like this"

"It make me sleepy" Sabre mumbled, "Lucas would do this when I got sick"

"That's very nice"

Before Sabre fell asleep he said, "Thank you Ultra"

"Anytime Sabre" Ultra said. He stayed a few more minutes making sure Sabre was fully asleep before he got up. Oddly, something told him to kiss Sabre's head which he did to see Sabre curl up with a smile on his face.

(You know as a parent does for a child)

"Love you Ultra" Sabre mumbled.

Ultra felt his heart fill with joy, "Love you Sabre, get better soon"


Word count: 680

Requests remaining: 2 

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